Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
Учители иностранных языков, бизнесмены, бывшие актёры, художники и даже японские преподаватели за границей - узнайте, о чем говорят профессионалы на Cafetalk.
Mark Roy Tutor Interview
I offer a range of lesson types starting with beginners going up to advanced speakers and business people who use English every day and just want to improve their flow of speech. I like a challenge and so I would like to meet more absolute beginners in English if I can. The lessons in advanced English have greatly benefitted my students so far.Featured Lessons
50min 2,900
50min 2,800
Jewels Tutor Interview
All lessons are based on the TESOL techinique as I am Trinty trained. Become Confident to Speak has become my most popular lesson. In the first lesson I ask students what they would like to learn. Some students choose to read and then discusss a news article. Mostly students enjoy talking about general topics.Featured Lessons
15min 800
30min 1,400
30min 1,400
オンライン英会話カフェトークで講師歴7年を誇るSachiko講師のインタビューページです。反復法を取り入れたレッスンが特徴。自身の英語習得までのプロセスやおすすめレッスンについてご紹介!Featured Lessons
25min 1,500
50min 2,900
Eby Tutor Interview
For the past 7 years, I have been teaching English and Writing to American students and non-native English speakers (Japanese and other nationalities). So far, I am very impressed with CafeTalk students. The CafeTalk students I've met are responsible, hard-working, and genuinely talented. Even the beginner students are keen learners, eager to improve and share their thoughts.Featured Lessons
50min 3,600
Fuan Tutor Interview
English has become an international language, therefore it is a must for anybody who may want to go global. Now, when it comes to Spanish, I would say it is an important language due to the fact that it is spoken in many countries. Of course if you asked me I would dare say it is a beautiful way of communication.Featured Lessons
50min 1,900
50min 1,900
50min 1,900
日本語を使ってやさしく英会話を教えているオンライン英会話カフェトークのNami講師のインタビューページです。自身の渡米のきっかけや異文化に関する面白エピソード、レッスンの特徴など盛り沢山!Featured Lessons
15min 4,000
15min 6,500
30min 6,500
Denver Tutor Interview
Since most of my students already have a strong background in English language structure and grammar, my lessons heavily emphasize conversation, listening and reading skills, based on increasing students range of vocabulary and English expressions.Featured Lessons
50min 7,000
60min 4,000
Elainor Tutor Interview
I try to maintain a balance of structure and flexibility in my lessons: In planning a lesson I follow the Trinity College teacher training methodology. This gives them a logical order and flow. Within that framework I like to remain flexible in order to address individual student needs.Featured Lessons
0min 1,500
0min 3,000
0min 6,000
Zoe Tutor Interview
I studied for my TEFL diploma during my first pregnancy. And I'm not a typical classroom style teacher. All of my lessons are based on normal everyday friendly conversation. You'll be surprised how much you can learn through a friendly chat, outside of the classroom environment.