Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
From language education specialists to entrepreneurs, former actors, painters and even Japanese tutors living abroad - read what this diverse bunch of professionals at Cafetalk have to say.
Kazumi 講師ストーリー
あなたが思い描く人生を送るお手伝いをするのがライフコーチ、私の役割です。外からあなたを客観的に見て、気づきや行動を促し、人生が良い方向に変わっていくようにサポートします。また、抽象論にならないように、プロジェクトマネージャーの経験を活かし、具体的なアドバイスも交えるようにしています。Featured Lessons
50min 10,500
50min 4,000
90min 6,000
Gideon Tutor Interview
We all know that language acquisition has four dimensions, namely reading, writing, listening and speaking. I personally believe that to learn a language one must practice all the time. Therefore apart from my normal grammar, every day English and so on, I try to create lessons that will stimulate students to be curious to talk.Featured Lessons
40min 1,000
40min 3,500
自身の外国語学習経験を活かして韓国語を教えるSunnyD講師のインタビューページです。日本への3年間の留学経験があり、日本語レッスンも提供中。講師になったきっかけや韓国語上達のアドバイスなどを伺いました!Featured Lessons
50min 2,000
50min 1,700
25min 900
Laura Baker Tutor Interview
For all the students out there learning English (or any other languages), I would like to offer my encouragement. It takes a lot of time and commitment to learn another language, but it is really worth it! You can do it! Find a way to incorporate the language into your daily life. Watch a movie, listen to a podcast or just sing a song in English as you are cooking dinner. Try to do a little bit every day!Featured Lessons
20min 1,000
25min 1,300
25min 1,500
NinaL. Tutor Interview
At school I studied English, French and Italian. I am a very talkative person so languages were my favourite subject. When I went to Italy, however, I discovered that learning a language at school is very different from learning it in the country. So I think that it is important to be able to communicate with the local population in order to understand their culture, therefore if you want to properly adapt to a culture you have to understand first.Featured Lessons
60min 10,000
40min 2,200
25min 1,100
Steve D. Tutor Interview
If my student is an 8-year-old boy being told to learn English by his mother, then I want to help him learn the basic ABCs well to prepare a foundation for his future English studies. One of my recent students wanted to learn English to help her communicate in her workplace about computers etc., so I gave her vocabulary about computer jargon and practical English that she can immediately apply.Featured Lessons
20min 2,000
50min 4,000
25min 2,500
Ana.P Tutor Interview
One of the other feature of my classes is that I encourage my students to travel and visit different countries. The first of them Spain, of course! That’s the best way to learn, so my classes are like a little tourist guide to Spain, and more specifically to GALICIA! ; ) I really like to recommend places, books written by Spanish authors, movies and as many Spanish cultural background to my students as I can.Featured Lessons
60min 2,000
60min 2,300
80min 2,300
Lynne Soeters Tutor Interview
I am a native English teacher living in The Netherlands. I worked as an IT Relationship Manager whilst I was living in England and spent a lot of my time travelling around the UK with work. Having moved to another country I understand how challenging it can be to learn a foreign language. I also understand how sucessful it can be if the learning environment is fun and interesting.Featured Lessons
30min 2,000
60min 4,300
0min 600
CraftyJaja Tutor Interview
The application of the basic knowledge in an exciting and fun way is indeed the most special part of my art training and lessons. I design my curriculum in an organized manner and carefully select artworks that will cater to their level and help them with their art and design learning goals. I provide art lessons for the highschool and adult learners and of course for the kids or the young learners.Featured Lessons
25min 1,800
25min 8,500
25min 1,800
日本在住のネイティブ中国語講師Nao Liにインタビューしました!
「今日学んで明日すぐ使える」をモットーに中国語のレッスンを行うNao Li講師のインタビューページです。日系企業での中国語指導も担当。講師になったきっかけやおすすめの言語学習法などをご紹介します!Featured Lessons
60min 1,500
60min 1,500
60min 1,200