Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
From language education specialists to entrepreneurs, former actors, painters and even Japanese tutors living abroad - read what this diverse bunch of professionals at Cafetalk have to say.
Cynthia Su Tutor Interview
I wanted to be a translator when I decided to major in Japanese studies at university. In fact, I've just finished translating a popular children's permaculture book, 「みんなのちきゅうカタログ」, which will be published in the US next spring! In order to come to Japan, I decided to become an English teacher.Featured Lessons
50min 3,000
15min 1,000
Marina Marie Tutor Interview
I have literally been teaching something to somebody my whole life. When I was in elementary school, I tutored my older cousin every time he failed his chemistry test. In high school, I tutored my classmates in Latin, French and logic. Immediately after obtaining a master’s degree in psychology, I was offered a position of a teaching assistant at a university.Featured Lessons
25min 1,000
50min 1,900
Lewis B Tutor Interview
Hello! Thank you for having me, I am very excited for this interview. I was born and raised in Hertfordshire, England. Most people haven't heard of Hertfordshire, but it is very easy to find, it is directly north outside of London. I always tell people in Japan that Hertfordshire is the Saitama of London! I also lived outside Manchester for three years before coming to Japan.Featured Lessons
20min 900
25min 1,600
25min 12,500
MYZOO Tutor Interview
I live in Suwon. It is about 45 minutes by car from Seoul, the capital city of Korea. You can experience the cultural heritage of the palace that kings often stayed in. An old Suwon market is also a famous place that you can visit.Featured Lessons
25min 1,900
40min 5,900
45min 21,000
My popular lessons are free talk and picture description lessons. Students can learn different expressions or words. Not only do they practice conversation, but they also can learn new words from the lesson. Some students wanted to have a class longer than 25 minutes, so I made a 50-minute customized lesson. You can mix some content from free talk and picture description lessons in this customized lesson. You can talk about anything in depth during the 50 minutes lesson. I provide feedback and recording files so that you can practice after lessons.Featured Lessons
60min 3,000
25min 3,600
Cammie Tutor Interview
I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. I used to play school with my younger sister. I would give her classwork on a toy board and she had to write out the answers, which I checked with a lot of pleasure! I thought it was so much fun to write on the board and check answers with a red pen. I have been teaching English for more than 15 years, most of that time in a traditional classroom.Featured Lessons
20min 800
25min 1,500
25min 6,500
min Kim 講師のインタビュー
こんにちは。カフェトークで自身の事を話す機会が与えられとても嬉しいです。私はワーキングホリデーで日本に行った時韓国語を勉強される方が沢山おられる事を知りそれをきっかけに日本の方々に韓国語を教える事に対して強い関心を抱きました。Featured Lessons
30min 1,400
60min 2,700
30min 1,400
Leiko 講師のインタビュー
こんにちは。カフェトークで、英語と日本語を教えているLeikoです。私は英語と日本語どちらも教える資格を持っているので、日本人の方には英語を、海外の方には日本語を教えています。また最近はコーチとしての資格も取得したので、生徒さんの語学学習の相談にのったりもしています。Featured Lessons
50min 3,500
25min 2,000
50min 3,500
Arturo.V Tutor Interview
As my students know, my name is Arturo and I am from Mexico City. I have graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the second-best university in Latin America. As my major was Communication Sciences, I have worked in different areas of human communication starting from Human Development in Mexican indigenous communities, going through educational multimedia production and coming to Spanish teaching.Featured Lessons
15min 0
50min 11,000
David tutor interview
My name’s David, and I’m a professional English teacher as well as an Advanced Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, Nutrition Consultant and more! I have been teaching and training students and clients for 11 years now, and helping other people to achieve their goal is my biggest passion in life!