Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
From language education specialists to entrepreneurs, former actors, painters and even Japanese tutors living abroad - read what this diverse bunch of professionals at Cafetalk have to say.
Jeffrey Flew Tutor Interview
Hello everyone in the Cafetalk Community. I look forward to meeting many more of you and helping you learn and improve your English language skills. I look forward to meeting and speaking with many more students in the future and helping them achieve their goals and dreams in English language learning.Featured Lessons
40min 3,000
Wina Tutor Interview
I've moved back to my home country, Indonesia, with my Korean husband due to his job. Indonesia is located in Java, and the weather is hot and humid throughout the year. I currently live in Jakarta, which is the center of Indonesia. As an island country, Indonesia is blessed to have the power of nature and various cultural heritages. We could see much diversity not only in arts, architecture, songs, and languages but also in the food. Indonesia has much energy and I can feel the growth of this country every day.Featured Lessons
Mayumi J Tutor Interview
I majored in French literature at university, so I studied abroad in French for one year after graduation. I started working for a company once after that. However, I realized I need to improve my English. And I went to the UK to study abroad with my husband. We didn't have children yet at that time, so it was easy for us to make quick decisions like that. While we were in the UK, I got pregnant. I needed to go to a hospital for medical checkups, take surgery, get hospitalized, and take vaccination...So I have experienced a lot of things that I didn't expect before going to the UK.Featured Lessons
40min 6,000
20min 1,500
45min 4,500
Tomoko tutor Interview
I look back at my past and feel that by taking even a small action in the direction I want to go, the things I started were connected before I knew it, and when I realized it, I was closer to my dream, and a lot of times it has come true. For me, it's English and calligraphy. Meeting people you never expected to encounter and have a new path opening up to you is fun.Featured Lessons
25min 1,300
15min 800
15min 700
Nadin Mai Tutor Interview
One needs to be patient and gentle with oneself. ‘Das ist das A und O’, as we say in German. After that, it is important to surround yourself with the language. Even if you struggle to understand everything, put on the radio. There are radio programmes specially made for those who learn a language. Start reading the papers. As difficult as it is at the beginning, it helps to familiarise yourself with the language and get a feeling for it.Featured Lessons
30min 2,700
50min 2,900
Gabi Tutor Interview
Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Gabi. Learning a language should be fun, and all about communication. If you want to learn in a relaxed setting where you're more concentrating on getting your ideas across than getting the perfect grammar, then come with me! - - don't take this the wrong way, I will correct your grammar if you make a mistake, but it won't stop you from expressing yourself!Featured Lessons
120min 4,600
15min 8,000
30min 7,000
Sakura C. Tutor Interview
Junior high English is an important step in building grammar and vocabulary, which will form the foundation for the following year's of English studies. However, there are a lot of things to memorize, and if there is one thing you are bad at, it is a subject you will not understand. English is a great tool to connect with people in other countries. What a shame it would be to end up hating English! By repeating the basics over and over again, I try to help students gain confidence little by little.Featured Lessons
25min 1,000
25min 1,100
30min 1,200
Claire Tutor Interview
The first time I came to Japan I realized that a lot of people wanted to learn French but couldn’t find any French speaking friends, or were too busy to take classes in a language school. When someone wants to learn French, it really makes me want to help them improve! This thought pushed me to study didactics and is pushing me to challenge myself everyday.Featured Lessons
40min 2,000
20min 1,200
40min 1,800
Masumicafe Tutor Interview
Besides the diary lesson, it is a conversation-based lesson. There are two types of lessons, "Japanese Conversation" and "Reading the News", but the content of both lessons varies from student to student. Please let me know your goals, what you want to do in Japanese, what you are interested in, and more! After you've written your journal, you can also request a conversation lesson to talk more about your journal.Featured Lessons
0min 1,000
25min 1,200
25min 1,200
Kei S-Schönberg 英語・スウェーデン語講師のインタビュー
英語・スウェーデン語講師のケイ・シェンベリと申します。私も生徒の皆様とともに、よりよいレッスンのご提供のために、常に考え、分析し、研究しています。英語もスウェーデン語も、かじったことはあるけど挫折してしまった方や、なかなか学習を進められない方のレベルアップのため、新しい課題にとりくんだり、補充問題・応用問題などを通し、いつの間にか「新しいことを習得した!新しい言語で表現できるようになった!」と思っていただけるような楽しいレッスンを心がけています。Featured Lessons
40min 1,500
40min 5,900
40min 1,500