Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
From language education specialists to entrepreneurs, former actors, painters and even Japanese tutors living abroad - read what this diverse bunch of professionals at Cafetalk have to say.
アメリカ在住経験のある英語・日本語講師Chika Cheryl Yにインタビュー!
英語が苦手な人も英語好きにさせるChika Cheryl Y講師のインタビューページです。頭と口をたくさん使い、心地よい疲れを感じられるレッスンが特徴。フロリダ州滞在時の思い出や自身の英語学習歴について伺いました!Featured Lessons
25min 900
25min 1,200
Tara.S Tutor Interview
Conversation lessons are my favorite lessons to teach! Any student can do this type of lesson, no need to be grammatically correct, that is what I will help you with as we talk. Most students can find books that will teach them have to speak correct English, but with my conversation lessons I teach my students different types of idioms and other natural American sayings.Featured Lessons
20min 1,000
0min 6,000
20min 1,000
家族で10年以上囲碁教室を営む傍ら、オンラインでも囲碁を教えるYUKI.講師のインタビューページです。初心者から高段者まで幅広く対応可能。囲碁をはじめたきっかけや囲碁の魅力などについてインタビューしました! -
子ども英会話を専門とするKeiko.P講師のインタビューページです。アルファベットを音で学ぶフォニックスを使用したレッスンが特徴。イギリス移住の経緯や日本人講師ならではのメリットなどについて伺いました!Featured Lessons
20min 1,000
20min 1,000
25min 1,900
Roxy raven Tutor Interview
I have been teaching English for about ten years. I used to teach English to non-native speakers in the U.K. before coming to Japan. I like my lessons on cafetalk to be very casual. I like to make my students feel like they are talking to a friend as well as a teacher. I like to try and make my students laugh during the lesson.Featured Lessons
15min 0
25min 800
0min 500
Marco Loiodice Tutor Interview
As an english and italian teacher, my own japanese studying experience helps me share feelings and emotions with my japanese students. We also have the luck of sharing much interest into our cultures. Even when my role as a tutor requires a kind of serious and professional attitude, I like to be friendly, and I always try my best to act as if my students were the hosts and I was their guest.Featured Lessons
25min 1,500
25min 1,500
Erika tre講師ストーリー
英語、日本語、韓国語、エアライン就職対策講師をしております。英語、韓国語を習得してきた経験や高校教師時代、航空会社勤務時代の経験を元に講師をしており、「語学マニア」です。生徒さん一人ひとりの英会話学習の苦労も理解でき、「効率的な学習方法」も熟知しています。Featured Lessons
50min 3,600
40min 2,000
50min 2,500
Lady Ayame Tutor Interview
I have experience with vocal techniques in clear-speaking, pronunciation, and articulation that I can share with my students. Also, I feel extremely comfortable in front of the camera and in turn that helps the students feel more comfortable on Skype as well. Inherently, I have a deep interest, self-effacing humor, and positive energy, and I ask many questions so the student can speak freely in the lesson.Featured Lessons
30min 1,300
30min 5,200
Becca Herndon Tutor Interview
I really try to build an atmosphere where my students can take their time to answer questions or make sentences and not worry about making mistakes. I try really hard not to interrupt them, because that was something I hated when it happened to me while studying Japanese and Korean. I want them to leave my lesson feeling like they actually enjoy speaking English.Featured Lessons
15min 800
30min 1,400
15min 900
Kimi Mizuno Tutor Interview
I offer Kanji reading and writing practice, grammar lessons, conversation lessons, lessons on how to speak on the telephone in Japanese, JLPT prep classes, interview prep classes, free talk lessons, lessons to help my students understand Manga, Kansai dialect lessons, lessons about fashion and make-up, or really anything that is popular in Japan at the moment.Featured Lessons
50min 3,000
50min 1,000
70min 1,300