Japonés | Native |
Inglés | Near-Native |
Hi, this is Rintaro, your English tutor.
Have you ever felt that if you were not born or didn't grow up in a country where English is the primary language, you will NEVER be able to develop the native-speaker-like pronunciation?
Well you don't have to anymore! I am a living example of someone who was born and raised in Japan, by Japanese parents who don't speak English, and yet acquired such proficiency that he can easily pass as a native English speaker. Don't trust me? Listen for yourself.
That's me, reading the farewell speech of former president Barrack Obama.
Here is another example: I guess the title of the track pretty much explains, but I was challenged by a friend of mine a couple of years ago and had a stab at it.
So how did I pull it off? Is there any secret? YES! In my lesson, I can show you specific tips and tricks to help improve your pronunciation.
And that is just one of many things English that I can teach you. I also specialize in: daily/business English conversations; TOEFL/IELTS preparation courses; translation work; and as you (hopefully) enjoyed, voice-over work!
So what are you waiting for? Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Oh by the way, I am also a photographer! Yep, that's me in the picture at the top. One directly above was taken in the city of Varanasi, India. If you're interested in learning photography from me, please check out my photography lesson below!
Q. Rintaro先生、こんにちは。自己紹介をお願いします。 A. こんにちは、僕は東京生まれ、埼玉育ちの純(?)日本人です。 高校生で一年間カナダへ交換留学、その後帰国してからは音楽専門学校でジャズをかじったりフリーターをしながら22歳で初めて大学生となりました。 これが米国での生活の始まりです。それから7年(学部生4年、学院生2年、仕事1年)住み続け、最後の1年はカウンセラーとしてミズーリのメンタルヘルスクリニックで勤務しました。カウンセリング心理学の修士(M.Ed.)を持っています。 Q. 現在お住まいのインドネシアについて教えてください。住んでいる街はどんなところですか? A. 今年の6月にジャカルタから郊外の街に引っ越しました。ジャカルタ中心部からは車で3、40分、Karawaci(カラワチ)という大きな大学がある街に住んでいます。 ジャカルタは最近世界で交通渋滞ワーストに選...