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こんにちは Yukikoと いっしょに にほんごを べんきょう しましょう。”みんなの にほんご”を べんきょう して いますか? Yukiko's method は すこし ちがいます。 I get ready to teach Japanese by my own text book.
だいじょうぶです!! たのしいです!
わたくしはyukikoと申します。東京の近く、神奈川県の横浜市に住んでおります。 標準語を話しますので、日本語のきれいなアクセントや 発音を教えることができます。 学校で習ったのに日本語がうまく話せない、言いたいことは言えるけど日本人同士の会話についていけない・・こういう経験はありませんか?私は使える日本語 を教えることが得意です。 私の生徒さんはゼロレベルから、日本語ペラペラになった人がたくさんいます。
4年間、Skypeを通じて海 外に住む外国人の方に、日本語を教えてきました。また現在は近くのコミュニティセンターで、日本に住んでおられる外国人の方達に日本語を教えたり、生活のサポートをした りしております。皆様も日本での生活においてお困りのことがあれば、いつでもできる範囲でお手伝いさせて頂きますので何なりとお声かけくださいませ。
Welcome to Yukiko's Nihongo "Pera pera" class. "Pera pera" means fluent. I can help you to become fluent speaker in Japanese.
"Japanese books";"A Japanese language school" might teach you basic Japanese; intermediate Japanese, but can you understand Japanese native speaker's conversation at natural speed? I think you can't, because there are various expressions every language.
For example, "to eat" means "taberu" in Japanese.
taberu, tabemasu, itadaku, meshiagaru =to eat
We change the words depends on a situation. I have a confidence to explain each situation. Why? I learned from my Japanese student via Skype Japanese lesson. The students asked me various questions. For the first time, I was struggled to explain the difference of a delicate nuance for each Japanese words. Of couse I have the education of teaching Japanese in University, but I figured out the best way to teach Japanese via my Japanese lessons.
I always think that my students are my best teachers!
にほんご ペラペラ(pera pera) に なりましょう!
Hi everyone, I'm Yukiko. I was born in Nagasaki prefecture and raised in Kanagawa, Japan, and I have many years of experience teaching Japanese. Perhaps you're just curious about Japanese, but you can't speak at all yet. That's fine, since I have plenty of experience teaching beginning Japanese, and I also speak English. Perhaps you've studied Japanese grammar and vocabulary, but you have trouble speaking Japanese smoothly in real-life situations. That's fine, since my lessons are geared toward practical Japanese, focusing on speaking and listening, which will build confidence for real-life conversations! Whether you're just beginning, or you're preparing for JLPT exams, I have lessons to suit you."
I am a graduate of the Aichi Sangyo university program for teaching Japanese. I am certified to teach Japanese to non-native speakers. And I am comfortable speaking and listening to English.
I specialize in several areas: 1. teaching beginning Japanese; 2. helping visitors to Japan learn basic language skills to enhance their trip to Japan; 3. helping students to prepare for and pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT); 4. helping experienced Japanese speakers enhance their skills.