Здравствуйте!! Меня зовут Йоко!
Hello! I’m YOKO.T. I normally work as a tour guide-interpreter, helping Russians get to know Japan!
I started teaching Russian because I wanted to help get more Japanese people interested in the country and the language.
I first set my sights on Russian when I was in high school. Russian is a very beautiful sounding language. My admiration for the country intensified and I left Japan to study abroad in Russia. When I was posted to the Russian office of a trading company, I got to experience life in Russia and learn from my Russian friends just how wonderful the country is.
Then I switched jobs and started working at a news agency, where I learned the ABC’s of translation and began working as a freelance interpreter, translator, and tour guide-interpreter.
For beginners:If you’re just getting started with Russian, we’ll begin with simple grammar and enough speaking skill to get by on a trip to Russia. For intermediate:If you’ve studied Russian before but want to try tackling it again, I can help you regain it and refresh your grammar by reading work originally written in Russian, such as short stories. I personally like Chekhov and children’s literature.
For advanced:I will correct your translations. You can practice writing natural translations. I can also help you prepare for a proficiency exam. A former student of mine passed the interpreter guide exam. I’m confident I will be able to assist you!
Please feel free to request a lesson
【Translation: 6/2015 - The Cafetalk Team】
Здарвствуйте! Меня зовут Йоко!
Я работаю переводчиком-гидом уже 20 лет. И письменным переводом уже 25 лет занимаюсь.
Но мечта преподавать русскому языку здесь на этом сайте наконец сбылась.
Мне очень нравится читать Чехова, Тургенева и т. п. на русском языке.
Хочу Вам помочь повысить уровень по знанию японского языка. Давайте позанимаемся переводом на японский язык. Если желаете, то пообщаемся по японски. Разговорная речь на японском языке вполене доступна также для неносителей японского языка. Не боитесь! Начнем!!