
Language Fluency

Japanisch Native
Chinesisch/Mandarin Fluent
Englisch Just a few words


Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test Passed
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【I am a Japanese language tutor who can also speak Chinese(*´▽`*)ノ】

大家好! こんにちは! Hello!
My name is Masumi (真澄), and I am a Japanese language tutor.
I am a great tutor for the following students♪

<A. I would like to try taking a casual conversation lesson with a Japanese tutor, but I am not confident yet.....I think I would feel comfortable with a teacher who understands Chinese as well!>
<B. I am confident in my Japanese. I would like to enjoy a casual conversation using only Japanese!>

◆ Speaking your native language while learning another language 

My native language is Japanese, but I can also speak Chinese.
My major in college was Chinese, and now I live with my Chinese husband, so I can hold a daily conversations in Chinese with little difficulty( *˙ω˙*)و
If you are not very confident in your Japanese skills yet, please feel free to chat with me first. You can also ask me questions in Chinese!
Of course, we can chat in  only Japanese as well if you’d like(´▽`)/

◆ Experience

I have been working in the publishing industry since I graduated from college.
I have 2 years of experience in the sales department, and 7 years in editing.
If you are interested in the Japanese publishing industry, please feel free to ask me all sorts of questions♪

◆ My Personality 

I am very patient with a gentle personality.
I love to chat with various people, so even if you feel that you are not good at talking, don’t worry. If you can’t come up with a topic, please let me help you!

◆ You can also take lesson in the following situations! 

1. You can turn your video camera off◎
2. Even if you can’t take lessons in a quite place, as long as I can hear you there’s no problem. Even if you have small children or you are walking outside, there is no need to worry◎
3. You can also take my lessons on your smartphone◎

◆ What I cannot offer 

1. I cannot speak any language other than Japanese or Chinese.
2. I am currently not able to offer any lessons besides casual conversation, such as lessons on grammar explanation.

In addition to the above, I cannot accommodate any requests that violate Cafetalk’s terms and conditions.


※最終更新:2024/12/5 時々不定期に更新してます^^



開かせていただき光栄です ー DILATED TO MEET YOU ー
皆川 博子 著

長いことずっと好きなのはPentatonixとDemi Lovatoです!





【 Cafetalk Translation / April 2024 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding. The tutor doesn’t speak English.

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