Thank you very much for casting your votes and showing your support for your tutors!
After carefully considering all entries against the number of votes received, the number of lessons completed as well as student feedback, we are happy to announce that we have arrived at the winners!
Winners are selected based primarily on student votes, but if the number of lessons completed, and feedback received within the past 6 months is also taken into account. If the number of votes for tutors of the same category are similar, priority may be given to the tutor who hasn't yet received an award in a previous year. We also take the overall popularity of a category into consideration and aim to give equal opportunity to tutors of popular categories and smaller categories alike.
Tutor Comment It has been more than 4 months since my first lesson on Cafetalk. During this time, I have conducted around 700 lessons, and each day has been filled with new discoveries. I am thrilled to realize that there are so many people who want to learn Korean, and I may be able to help them even if it were just a little. As a result of immersing myself in my work to the point of even forgetting to eat and sleep, being able to receive such a significant award truly feels like a dream come true. I will reread everyone’s heartwarming comments and strive to deliver even more fulfilling lessons!
Tutor Comment
I'm delighted and honoured that my lesson has been awarded the Cafetalk Grand Prize. I would like to thank the students who have nominated me for this award and all of those who take part in my lessons regularly. I appreciate the energy, positivity and curiosity that they bring to our conversations. Every day I have the privilege of discussing a wide range of topics from news to sport, culture to travel, with some of the friendliest people I have met.
Also thank you to the Cafetalk staff who make this possible behind the scenes. Best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy 2025!
Tutor Comment
C'est avec beaucoup de surprise que je découvre que vous avez été nombreux à voter pour mes leçons. Cela me fait extrêmement chaud au cœur et me donne beaucoup de courage pour continuer à vous faire découvrir la culture française et vous accompagner dans l’apprentissage de la langue à travers mes leçons et mes séminaires. J’apprécie chacun de mes cours avec vous, toujours dans une bonne humeur très agréable, que cela soit pour des préparations d’examens, de la lecture, des discussions ou des exercices, c’est avec passion que je partage des moments avec vous.
Merci, merci, merci !
It is with great surprise that I discover that many of you have voted for my lessons. This truly warms my heart and gives me a lot of courage to continue sharing French culture with you and supporting you in learning the language through my lessons and seminars. I appreciate every one of my lessons with you, always in a very pleasant, cheerful atmosphere, whether it's for exam preparation, reading, discussions, or exercises—it's with passion that I share these moments with you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Tutor Comment Thank you for the Cafetalk Grand Prize Award. I feel very encouraged thanks to receiving this award. In the past six months teaching on Cafetalk, I have met many different students. Some of you have entered your desired graduate schools or gotten the job you applied for, some have completed Business Japanese study books we were working on together. Some of you have read books together with me, some have practiced presentations. This award is thanks to all the students who have taken my lessons. Moving forward, I hope to to my best to provide support for all of your goals and dreams. Thank you very much.
Tutors who have won an award in the Cafetalk Awesome Lesson Awards at least 4 times (between June 2014 and December 2024) will be added to the Hall of Fame. Students will still be able to vote for these tutors in the next awards, but they won't receive any additional student vote based awards.
In addition to the vote-based awards there are also data-based award categories, which are based not on student votes but on data accumulated over the past 6 months. Tutors who have already won four or more student vote based awards are still able to win a data based award.
This new section was created in order to give a shout-out to lessons that are unique and less well known. You might be surprised what you can learn online!
*Please note that student feedback is subjective.
Tutor Comment I am immensely honored to have received this award for the second time. I sincerely thank everyone who voted for me as well as those who have been taking my lessons. Despite being away for more than a month while I was busy interpreting from September to December, having been able to receive this grand prize is entirely due to all of your heartfelt support and encouragements. I am also delighted to win this award with my lesson the “やっぱり文法! (After all, grammar!)” lesson.♪ As someone who struggled with their own studies, I am sure that I can convey a unique perspective! I will continue to work hard to meet your expectations.♪ Thank you so much.