bora00 프로필

☆Self Introduction(자기소개) Annyeonghaseyo! (안녕하세요) I’m Bora.
I currently live in Seoul, South Korea.
I studied abroad in Japan for 2 years and found studying Japanese and living the Japanese lifestyle very fun.
Even now I can never forget how great it felt when my Japanese friends understood what I said, or when I understood the lines from a Japanese drama.
I want to help make studying Korean as fun as possible.
If you feel that you've reached a plateau and your Korean is not improving, please try a fun study session with me!
I am sincerely looking forward to meeting you!
잘 부탁드립니다. Thank you in advance^^
☆Experience *Currently working as an online Korean teacher
*Have also taught lessons to transferred employees and at Korean "S" Corporation
*Completed the Korean Language Teacher Training Program at Seoul National University
☆Lesson Process My students always ask me “what’s the best study method?” but I think that making learning fun the best way.
Simply thinking "I'm interested in Korean!" and "Korean is fun!" is more than enough.
Don't be shy and practice expressing yourself as much as you can. You will suddenly improve before you know it!
Let's work hard!★
※I also have other textbooks, so please don't hesitate to make a request.
【Translation: 7/2015 - The Cafetalk Team】
강사 인터뷰
Q. bora00강사님, 안녕하세요! 간단하게 자기소개 부탁드립니다. A. 안녕하세요! 카페토크에서 한국어를 가르치고 있는 보라라고 합니다.이렇게 여러분에게 저를 소개하게 되어 정말 기쁘게 생각합니다. ^^저는 여행과 친구들과 수다 떠는 걸 좋아하는 평범한 사람이에요.한국어를 가르치게 된 지는 어느덧 2년이 지났네요.예전에는 낯을 많이 가리는 성격이어서 ...