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TOEIC 910 Punto
JLPT Level N3
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안녕하세요^^카페토크 강사 Zinie입니다. 며칠 전부터 서울은 아침저녁으로 선선한 바람이 불고 있어요. 더운 여름에 지쳐 언제 가을이 오나...했는데, 막상 끝자락에 오니 괜히...
Published 23 Jun, 2022 | View: 4781
안녕하세요 여러분^^ 오랜만에 칼럼을 올리네요!서울의 번화가 중 하나인 강남역에 가시면다양한 매장들을 보실 수 있는데요, (사실 코로나 이후에 문 닫은 곳들도 많아 씁쓸하긴 해요...
안녕하세요 :)정말정말 오랜만에 글을 올리네요!오늘은 한국의 특별한 문화에 대해 알려드릴까해요.한국에서는 아기가 태어난지 100일이 되면 '백일잔치'를 엽니다. 들어보신 적 있으...
  안녕하세요, 카페토크 강사 Zinie 입니다!지난 칼럼에서는 영화 '기생충'의 아카데미 시상식 수상 소식을 알렸는데요, 오늘은 영화에 나온 '짜파구리' 레...
여러분 혹시 '기생충(Parasite)'이란 영화 보셨나요?한국의 대표적인 감독인 봉준호 감독의 작품인데요, 오늘 있었던 제92회 아카데미 시상식에서 최고 권위인 작품상...

Hi everybody in the world :)
I'm Zinie, living in Texas, USA. I was born in Seoul, Korea and I just moved to Texas a few months ago for my husband's work. 

I worked at the company for several years in Korea and now I have opened a YouTube channel introducing Korean food & culture in English. 

Still, it's hard to speak in English, but I believe that I can achieve improvements when I speak consistently. I'm doing my best. 

One day, I found 'Cafe talk' and I realized that there were lots of people who want to learn a foreign language in the world. Especially I thought I could assist someone who wants to learn Korean!

I completed the announcer academy and had a career in broadcasting and MC(Master of Ceremonies). So I can give you a lesson about Korean pronunciation, accent, and spelling especially. Those are the important things when you speak and write in Korean. 

My lesson will be progressed on a flexible topic. 
Let's talk in a relaxed atmosphere. It's really helpful when you speak in other languages. 

Then see you in my class :)

* My Major
- Advertisement / PR
- Journalism

* My Career
- Freelance reporter & MC
- Completed the announcer academy 

* My hobby
- Travel
- Making Korean food
- Making Youtube video

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  • Menos de 24 horas antes del inicio de la clase→ Pueden aplicarse cargos por cancelación.
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