

日語 母語程度
英語 精通


近 3 個月
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講師接受最快 9小時後開始的課程預約
週一 06:00   06:30
週二 06:00   06:30
週三 06:00   06:30
週四 06:00   06:30
週六 06:00   06:30
週日 06:30   10:00
開放 1 個月內的課程時間
※以上為 Asia/Tokyo 時間。


發佈日期:2025年03月10日 | 人氣:80
みなさまこんにちはスピリチュアリストミディアム、スピリチュアリストヒーリングミディアムのHikari Spiritualと申します。日常の様々な中で、選択を迫られるように感じられることがあります。ご...
發佈日期:2025年02月06日 | 人氣:442
こんにちは。スピリチュアリストミディアム、スピリチュアリストヒーリングミディアムのHikari Spiritualと申します。あなたが最善を尽くし、努力をして、できるかぎりのことをしても、結果が伴わ...
發佈日期:2025年01月20日 | 人氣:588
いつもありがとうございます。スピリチュアリストミディアム、スピリチュアリストヒーリングミディアムのHikariと申します。「手放す ゆだねる」自分のたましいの気づきとともに、これまでの自分の考え方や...
發佈日期:2025年01月19日 | 人氣:514
みなさまこんにちは。スピリチュアリストミディアム、スピリチュアリストヒーリングミディアムのHikari と申します。みなさまが希望する夢や安心感、そしていいなあという感情、実はすでにもう感じていらっ...
發佈日期:2025年01月14日 | 人氣:561
こんにちは。スピリチュアリストミディアム、スピリチュアリストヒーリングミディアムのHikari Spiritualと申します。日々私たちは、霊界のスピリットガイド様たちから守られ、そして、愛されてい...


Hikari Spiritual 講師的自我介紹

I have studied spirituality with respected teachers in England, Japan, and overseas, and will mainly share messages from the spirit world. I try to give spirituality that is close to your feelings. I hope to bring healing, hope, and awareness to all of you. I believe that many of your loved ones in the spirit world would like to send you messages. I also hope that you yourself will be inspired to become aware and to live a life of love and hope. I have had the opportunity to learn spiritual teachings through various connections and experiences, and now I would like to share not only my learning, but also the knowledge I have gained, and most importantly, the beautiful energies and messages of the spiritual world with you.

(I am very sorry but I do not offer pass/fail, legal advice, or health diagnosis. For the this kind of diagnosis, please consult with your specialist.)

☆ Please refrain from recording the lessons.

☆ Please refrain from last minute cancellations unless it is unavoidable, as I am adjusting energy 24 hours in advance of your reservation.

Blog https://ameblo.jp/flowerhikari/

♡ Below you can see some of the feedback I have received from people who have had sessions with me.

Ms. Hikari

Thank you very much for the session today. I was very happy that my mother was able to come today.
She was a bit preoccupied, but Hikari was able to explain the scene in such detail and calmly that I felt as if I had stepped back in time to an earlier time. I felt very comfortable listening to her stories. Today, I wanted to ask my mother some questions, and I was very grateful for her careful confirmation.
Every session with Ms. Hikari is very healing. 


Thank you very much Hikari. I was happy that you could tell me the color of my aura and the messages from the protector, since I could not read them. I would recommend this session to anyone who likes spirituality. 


Thank you very much for today, Hikari. I was surprised to see how much the aura reading could tell me after this session! Also, the words of my grandparents who gave me messages were very kind, and I could feel that they are supporting me. I feel confident that they are always watching over me. My cousin was just like I remember him.
I feel that Hikari is a kind-hearted and hardworking person. I would recommend a session with Ms. Hikari to anyone who wants to know their own characteristics from their aura and messages from their ancestors. 


【 Cafetalk Translation / May 2022 】

Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding. 



  • 隨時可以取消。


  • 課程時間前 3 小時內→ 收取 100% 課程費用為取消費。
  • 課程時間前 6~3 小時→ 收取 50% 課程費用為取消費。
  • 缺席→ 收取 100% 課程費用為取消費。

