Categorie insegnate

Language Fluency

Coreano Madrelingua
Giapponese Fluente
Inglese Conversazione quotidiana
Cinese Insufficiente


TOEIC 835 Points
JLPT Level N1
(BJT) Business Japanese Proficiency Test Grade J1+
New HSK Grade 4
Documents to support the qualification have been confirmed

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Mer 10:00   13:00
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Schedule visible to 2 month(s)
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Shown in Asia/Tokyo time.

Tutor’s Columns

Tantissime notizie e curiosità del mondo dai nostri tutor di Cafetalk!
今回は韓国で老若男女を問わず最もよく使われている言葉について勉強してみましょう!   ドラマや歌などをよく聞く人なら一度は聞いたことがあると思います。 会話のときにもかなりの頻度で使われているので、...
●日本アニメの韓国語版名は原作と異なる場合がある 日本のアニメは世界で愛されていて、多くの作品が様々な国の言語で翻訳されていますね。韓国でも日本のアニメは非常に人気があります。私も子供の頃、セーラー...


Profilo di Rachelle

Hello! I'm Rachelle.

·Why do you want to learn Korean?

When I was in high school, I loved to watch Japanese dramas and idols so much that I started learning Japanese. with the idea that 'I want to understand Japanese without subtitles!'

That small decision has changed my life significantly, such as  choose college, work even marriage, and I realize that 'language can change one's life.'

I really want to help those who want to learn a language!

I have learned Japanese, English, Chinese, Malaysian, etc. so far, and now I am studying Cantonese (which is used in Hong Kong).

I have a lot of experience of learning myself, so I feel about your difficulties. let me support your Korean!

[About the class]
"You get compliments even if you get it wrong."

From beginners to avvanced who want to improve your conversational skills are all welcomed.
Let's have fun and improve our Korean skills together!

**All classes provide feedback.
Depending on the content of the class, giving feedback via chat or paper.

**You can freely choose camera ON/OFF.

Modalità di cancellazione di Cafetalk

Prima che la richiesta sia confermata (fissata)

  • La cancellazione è possibile in qualsiasi momento.

Dopo che la richiesta sia stata confermata (fissata)

  • Più di 24 ore prima dell'inizio della lezione.→ La cancellazione è possibile in qualsiasi momento.
  • Meno di 24 ore prima dell'inizio della lezione→ Il tutor potrebbe richiedere una penale per la cancellazione.
  • No-Show→ Il tutor potrebbe richiedere una penale per la cancellazione. Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.
    (Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.)

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