
【about myself】
Hello, everyone!
I am Yuna, yoga instructor living in Tokyo!
My yoga licence is from the Indian Yoga centre^^
【my yoga lesson】
①Full Body stretch yoga(for yoga beginners)
Stretching the whole body from top of the head to the toes!
FROZEN shoulders? back pains?,,,let's stretch gently and observe our bodies! RELAXING yoga mentally and physically!
②Power sweating yoga(for experienced yoggies)
Trying a lot of powerful postures! balancing postures! standing postures! for burning CALORIES with deep slow breathing!
Build up muscles!
【my motto】
Yoga has an benefit to heal us, make us feel calm down and relax!
Try my best to offer the relaxing yoga lesson and exhausted mind is healed..
【why my yoga lesson is special?^^】
end of the lesson, we always do Savasana(Corpse Pose)
Savasana is know for most important and most difficult posture among yoga asanas! You have to be totally relaxed without thinking anything mentally and physically....let's try together!
【hesitating to start yoga?】
never experienced yoga, not confident your ability for yoga and flexibility, too old to start?????
Everyone can start yoga at your own pace at any age since every one of us has different body and each day has different body condition!
*no yoga mat? no camera? difficult to adjust camera at home?...please do not worry and just give it a shot!
【dear online yoggies♬】
Each person has different reason to start yoga.
some has rounded shoulders and back pain to fix, others wanna shape up their bodies.....etc etc ..
This is 1-1 yoga lesson so that if you have any concern about your body or yoga lesson, please do not hesitate to ask me^^
【my licence】
・yoga instructer from Indian Government
・thai massage
・TOEIC 970
저는 라는 요가강사에요.
저는 일본인이지만, 한국에 관심이 많아서 한국어를 조금 할 줄 알아요.
그러나 요가는 영어로만 가르칠수 있어요. 당연히 간간히 한국어도 가능해요^^
영어로 진행되지만, 요가에 관심있는 한국인분들 연락주세요!
친절하게 자세히 알려드릴게요^^
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(身体がカチコチの方、全身スッキリしたい方)【初心者から初中級者の方向け】 頭のてっぺんから足の指先までしっかりほぐして心身ともにリフレッシュ!
stretch from top of the head to the toes!
yoga beginners are welcome!【English class】