Carlos is an excellent teacher who always goes above and beyond. He is very easy to talk to and always corrects my pronunciation promptly. He is very patient and never minds having to repeat things when I don't "get it" (the first or even second time). He uses a variety of different materials and tailors classes to your level. Muchas gracias Senor Carlos.
こんにちは!英語講師のHiroko U です。基礎をしっかり、でも楽しく学びたい!資格対策のため、きっちり学びたい!そんなあなた、帰国子女ではなく、普通の学生時代を送りながらTOEIC560点→960点とスコアを伸ばし、スピーキングも長期留学経験者に引けを取らないHiroko Uと一緒に、日本人講師ならではの、かゆいところに手が届くレッスンで学びましょう♪大手英会話スクールで講師として約4年、通常の英会話コースに加えTOEICコースも担当し、その後は講師業だけでなくSkypeオンラインスクールの講師トレーナーとしても勤務し、たくさんの生徒さまの語学学習のお手伝いをしてきました。英会話・語学のお仕事は、合計12年を超えました。☆レッスンについて☆私のレッスンでは、TESOL(英語教授法)に基づいた効果的なレッスンの流れをベースに、生徒さまの興味から、言葉を使っていくことへ発展させていきます
Hello Cafetalk students,I'm John. Currently I am residing in Japan and have been living here since 2015. I have over 10 years of English teaching experience. Originally I am from Canada (Surrey, British Columbia). I am fluent in English and I know basic Japanese. I'm into photography. I love listening to music and I occasionally watch movies when I have ti
Hi, I'm Steph i have 2 nationalities : french/portuguese. I have been living in different countries since I was born and I'm currently living in India. I speak many languages which helped me to understand diferent cultures. I love traveling and yoga is my big passion that's why i decided to live in india where it's the birthplace of yoga. I taugh many students from around the world due to my knowl
Hello! 你好。 My name is Jin (金), and I am from China. After graduating from university, I went on to graduate school in Japan, where I continue to live in. I am currently working as a Japanese-to-Chinese interpreter at the city office, as well as volunteering for international exchange programs. I often taught grammar and pronunciation to students who were interested in Chinese, and also helped
Hello everyone! I am Ruka. I was born in Hiroshima. I have studied abroad in New Zealand. I have also been to Australia, Singapore, and Nepal. To become a Japanese language tutor, I studied for 420 hours at a training school. I passed the Japanese language teacher’s exam. I am now teaching Japanese to international students at a Japanese language school. My favorite things are cheese, Disney
Hello Everyone, my name is Keiko. I am from Japan, and have over 20 years of teaching experience ranging from teaching in Japan, Australia, and Malaysia. I have taught in schools, adult education and in private tutoring or group lessons and across different age groups. I am a very friendly, enthusiastic and patient teacher who strives to meet the abilities, interests and needs of the students. I
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Kelly J Teacher
Hikari Spiritual
Carlos Mejía