Teacher Ian always prepares incredibly informative materials for every lesson. The Impromptu Conversation lesson challenged me to answer as many questions as possible, and I truly enjoyed the process of thinking, speaking, and reflecting.
Thank you, Ian, for providing such a wonderful and enriching English learning experience! :)
He is always a good listener as well as being a great conversationalist. He is a great English teacher but sometimes I forget that I am taking a lesson because I am so involved in the conversation and having fun :-)
Hello everyone! My name is S.Maki. I have been living in Paris, France for the past 10 years.Let me start by asking, what was your first encounter with the French language? There are many reasons for people to learn French, such as from necessity, for fun, for traveling, or for studying abroad. When I was younger, I visited France for the first time on a trip, and later on, through a study abroad
Nice to meet you, I am MinakoN. I am a native Japanese speaker who also speaks Chinese, German and English. 【Background】 I attended schools in Japan until high school. I was educated in Japan until high school. After studying Chinese in Harbin, China for two years, I transferred to the Chinese language department of Beijing University and graduated from there. After returning to Japan, I worked
Hello! My name is Jennifer. I am from Mexico! I love teaching people from different backgrounds and ages and impart my skills and knowledge. I have taught for more than 5 years, my favorite subjects are mathematics and physics, but I also like Spanish. As a teacher I want to help others but also learn from them, that helps me to teach better. I am learning English as a second language, so I know h
*For students who are beginners*For students who are almost at the native level*For students who enjoy chatting*For students who like FranceWhy don't we go step by step to improve your speaking ability and conversational skills through our conversations? To learn French, teachers at universities or language schools will emphasize that it is necessary to focus on grammar, yet a huge factor wh
大家好!我是德语讲师Emma。★自我介绍★我毕业于德国的耶拿大学,主修「Deutsch als Fremdsprache(二外德语)」,也就是类似日本的日语教育。我具备教授外籍人士德语的专业知识,还曾在京都的大学实习1个月,期间担任初中级德语对话班的讲师。★关于课程★我的课很注重口说,具体而言就是不太会使用艰涩的语法。我会先让学员记住日常生活中常用的说法,再去自然而然地习得语法规则,虽然不太适合想以语法为中心学习的人,但很推荐重视对话及对语法有点感冒的人预约。不只是语言,我也有提供能学到德语圈习俗及文化的课程。※详细内容请看各课程之介绍。★兴趣★我的兴趣是学习外语和旅行,除了德语以外,我还会英语、法语、韩语及一点俄语和卢森堡语。针对有需要的学员,我也能提供外语学习建议。我也很喜欢吉祥物及动画角色,我是职棒吉祥物、懒懒熊及宝可梦的粉丝。我特别爱宝可梦,动画几乎都是看德语版!感谢你看到最后,
大家好!我叫Jane,来自菲律宾。我拥有TESOL及TEFL证照,也拥有餐饮管理学位。我提供在线及实体英语课程7年以上,学员年龄层及语言水平广泛。我曾有幸在教授留学课程的溷合学校担任在线及实体课程讲师,当时我负责基础英语语法、英语对话、商业英语、腔调矫正、凯伦学习法及托业(TOEIC)、英检准备等专业课程,内容丰富多样。 此外,我也以ESL讲师训练师的身分工作了4年左右。在工作期间我负责训练及执行ESL讲师的训练课程,教授以他语言为母语的学员英语教学理论及实践。 我自己本身也是位非英语母语的双语者,对学习新语言的历程有一定了解;也明白每位学员的学习经历大不相同。也因为如此,我会配合学员的年齢、英语水平、需求及喜好调整教学方式,提供适合每位学员且有趣又魅力满点的课程。^^ 我使用G.A.T.E.教学法,维持高品质的课程。 G - Gr
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