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Hello! My name is Akko. I graduated from an American university. When I was in the States, I worked at the ESL office in my university, and handled students’ visa applications, enrolling to the program, and many on campus activities. I really enjoyed interacting with people from different countries
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Hello! My name is Evan. I'm from the United States, but currently am living and working in Tochigi-ken, Japan.I am very interested in Japanese history, culture, customs, and language. Pursuing my university degree in History has given me many enjoyable experiences, and I was lucky enough to vis
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
♪プロフィール♪タロット占い師ゆりあ1986年生まれ。出身:埼玉県川越市幼少期よりスピリチュアルな世界に深い関心をもつ。タロットカード占い歴は小学3年生から20年以上。そのカードの力を自分だけではなく、いろいろな人に体感していただければと思い、占い師業をはじめました。長らく対面鑑定をしていましたが、2020年のコロナ流行を機会にオンライン鑑定を始めました。現在は完全オンラインでカフェトーク専属で、占い師として活動しています。 運の良し悪しには、一定の法則があることを実感。たとえ才能があって努力をたくさんしたとしても、運が無ければ成功できない。 成功するため、幸せになるためにはどうすればいいか
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
はじめまして!ギター講師&英語家庭教師のKazu.Hです!好きな事はギターと英語です。たまに海釣りもします。英検準1級・現役の英語塾講師です。小学生から大人の方まで対応致します。英検対策は2級~5級まで対応いたします。リーディング・リスニング・ライティング・スピーキングの4技能全て指導可能です。僕自身、英検準1級を完全独学で合格しました。合格のコツをみなさんと共有したいと考えています。諦めずにコツコツ学習すれば、必ず合格します! 誰でも勉強は苦痛に感じるものですが僕自身、英語は楽しんで学ぶものだと考えています。「単語がなかなか覚えれない」「英語が上手く聞き取れない」などの壁に当たりますが、誰
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Hello, I’m Mako, a vocal instructor & private tutor! I have been a “vocal instructor for 5 years,” and a “private tutor for 5 years.” I teach both academics and music witha conviction to provide “skills that will last a lifetime,” and not just “fo
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Hello!! My name is Cocomi, and I'm a yoga instructor. I've been teaching yoga for 13 years now!☆ I'm around forty and I love to do yoga, cook, eat, and sleep. The lessons will be flexible according to your physical condition. I try to help people who are suffering from stiffness to do poses that ar
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Hello! Students who want to speak Korean well! This is woogi!! I think there are two most important things when studying conversation. In my class, I'm going to make sure that you can take these two. The first one is "confidence." If you keep thinking about whether the grammar is corr
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
こんにちは、トーマスです!英語の教師です。 I have been teaching English for over 10 years, both in Tokyo and here in London.I started teaching English at Berlitz in Tokyo and Chiba in 2008, and I have a CELTA qualification from International House London. If you need to reach a certain score on IELTS for a visa, for un
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Guten Tag! Hello! I am here to help you learn German in an enjoyable and efficient way, even though German is often said to be a difficult language to learn. You can think of me as more of a sports trainer than a "teacher". While utilizing the know-how I have gained over the past 20 years teaching
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Hello . I am Mona from Jordan . I love my language Arabic and would like to help learners of this beautiful language . I am also studying languages and know the difficulties that the learners face .I am flexible to use any material according to the student 's wish ,, I use worksheets ,files ,im
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Hello! My name is Alexandra, but you can call me Sasha. I'm russian living in Japan. I got my degree in Kamchatka State University and have been teaching English and Russian in Japan since 2010. If you are a beginner, you shouldn't worry, as I speak English quite fluently. I will adjust my lessons
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Hello everyone, I'm MaRi! I have been teaching Chinese for 8 years. I was born, raised, and currently reside in Taipei, which enables me to teach pristine Chinese pronunciation, grammar, and expressions. Having lived in Shanghai and Tokyo for a year each, I am experienced in catering to students at
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Hi, I'm Takako. I'm a Japanese native speaker. I live in Toyama. Here's a small town but nature is beautiful. Where do you live? I've been teaching English children at elementary school and English clam school for fifteen years. and I've been teaching Japanese for five years now. I have
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Nice to meet you! I'm Ban from Korea. Now, I live in Chiba and I teach Korean. When I first started studying Japanese, I still remember that I was surprised because the grammar, particles, and vocabulary in Korean are very similar to Japanese. It means it's easy to learn like that. However, sometim
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Hello everyone. I've been working as a sports instructor teaching group lessons and working as a personal trainer in Tokyo for 11 years. I worked at a major fitness gym for 6 years. I worked at a dance studio for 6 years.I worked at a fitness gym that offered prime membership only to residents livi
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Nice to meet you. My name is Satoko Koga (古賀聡子). I live in Osaka, Japan. Osaka is where USJ and Osaka Castle are located. Are any of you interested in Osaka? I have experience studying abroad in Canada for a month whilein college, as well as having studied English online for 7 years. I also studied
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Hi there, I’m Hyunmee! Thank you for visiting my profile. I was born and raised in Seoul, Korea, and I have a passion for exploring different cultures, meeting people from all over the world, and, of course, teaching Korean. As someone who has mastered the Japanese language, I understa
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Terve kaikki; )I went to school in Finland and then worked in customer service in the area. Most of my classmates from school, as well as the staff at my workplace were Finnish, and 100% of our customers were Finnish, so I lived my daily life using the Finnish language on a daily basis. Even
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Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.