最新更新時間: 10 月 11 日 (每隔週五更新)

category image 學科家教 評價排行


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Hello, my name is misa. I have a teaching license for Japanese as well as for special needs schools. In Japan, I have been involved in a wide range o

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Hello everyone! I'm Emiemi.T, an online tutor currently living in the Netherlands!I used to live in Japan & Melbourne, Australia.I worked as a Ja

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Hi Everyone,My name is Shirin Banoo. I am basically an Engineer with 25 years of work experience. I travelled across 9 countries in my career span so

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Me and My Teaching ExperienceHello students! My name is Natalie. I finished a bachelor’s degree from the Pontifical and Royal University of San

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【Online Private Tutor】 I have 15 years of experience as a private tutor. I have taught students with a wide range of academic strengths, from childre

category image 學科家教 新講師排行

依新講師(加入 Cafetalk 未滿 3 個月)獲得的課程預約數量計算。

來自: 住在:

こんにちは!Tutor Tです。私は20年以上にわたり、私立の中高一貫校で英語教諭として働いてきました。主に関西の進学校で豊富な経験を積み、これまでにドイツの日本人補習授業校を含めた、国内外の5つの学校で生徒を指導してきました(現在も現役の教員です)。さらに、中学社会、高校地歴・公民の教員免許も保

category image 學科家教 重複聽課排行榜


來自: 住在:

Nice to meet you. Hello. My name is Uchiyama.Originally from Kagoshima prefecture, I have lived in Tokyo for a long time since I moved to Tokyo for c

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大家好,我是nolly。 其實我在學生時期的主修是其他種語言,是在育兒生子後我才漸漸地開始重拾英語。我的留學經驗也跟英語無關。 回過神來我每天都在家中和英語檢定等英語教材相看兩瞪眼。我接觸英語的時間是在每天早上送走家人後,邊喝剛磨好的咖啡邊享受新聞文章時;還有在職場的重考班及英語會話教室與幼稚園~

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嗨,我叫做Makiko。 針對兒童學員: 幼兒 一起朗讀繪本,促進兒童的右腦發展。    透過各種故事情節,培養豐富的感受力及思考力。    題材能根據您的喜好進行準備。   小學生 我有25年的補習班教學經驗,能了解孩子的學習傾向。     數學的基本運算能力(四則運算/分數/小數)非

來自: 住在:

Hello! My name is Sho.IC and I work as a tutor. I mainly offer lessons focusing on mathematics. I strive to offer fun and easy-to-understand lessons

來自: 住在:

こんにちは!Tutor Tです。私は20年以上にわたり、私立の中高一貫校で英語教諭として働いてきました。主に関西の進学校で豊富な経験を積み、これまでにドイツの日本人補習授業校を含めた、国内外の5つの学校で生徒を指導してきました(現在も現役の教員です)。さらに、中学社会、高校地歴・公民の教員免許も保

category image 學科家教 人氣講師排行


來自: 住在:

◎ I have been an English and Japanese (for entrance examinations) teacher at a preparatory school for many years.◎ Teaching Japanese is a relatively n

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Hello, my name is misa. I have a teaching license for Japanese as well as for special needs schools. In Japan, I have been involved in a wide range o

來自: 住在:

Hello! My name is Sho.IC and I work as a tutor. I mainly offer lessons focusing on mathematics. I strive to offer fun and easy-to-understand lessons

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Your favourite English private tutor with seven years of experience with everything from Kindergarten material to SAT/ACT and TOEFL/IELTS Prep. Book y

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Hello, I’m Mako, a vocal instructor & private tutor! I have been a “vocal instructor for 5 years,” and a “private tutor f
