最新更新时间: 2 月 28 日 (每隔周五更新)

category image 在线待机课程 Popular Rankings

Based on requests during the most recent period.

来自: 住在:

안녕하세요~! 大家好! 我叫做 Yesis,喜欢学习外国语言和文化。 高中时期因为对中国和日本文化感兴趣而开始学习中文和日语,大学主修中文。(在中国吉林大学取得学士学位) 在中国留学时,因为和日语或英语母语者有许多交流机会而更了解他们的文化。 毕业后我一直从事中文讲师的工作,并在中文笔译与口译过

来自: 住在:

大家好! 我是 Cafetalk 的韩语讲师 HYUN3,欢迎直接叫我 hyun3。 很高兴能见到对韩国文化感兴趣,想学韩语的各位。 我在大学主修俄语,大学毕业后活用俄语及英语能力,担任国外模特儿的选拔员及拍摄和时装秀的口译。 之后我在贸易公司负责将韩国化妆品及口罩等商品进口到国外。 然

来自: 住在:

※All classes limited to female students※   I run ballet classes in Hiroshima prefecture. →http://ballet-w.info/ I've been teaching pretty m

来自: 住在:

こんにちは タロット講師 稟花ですプロフィール覗いていただいてありがとうございます私の講師でお伝えできるのは・ウエイト版タロットからのメッセージ・ジューン澁澤先生から直伝の シャドーキャットタロット (深層心理の言葉) オーロラタロット (よりよく行動すべきヒント) ハワイアンスピリチアルカード(

来自: 住在:

Hello! My name is Jenny, and I am from Seoul, South Korea! I am delighted to meet you!!! My English name “Jenny” was given to me by my very first nati

category image 在线待机课程 新讲师排行

依新讲师(加入 Cafetalk 未满 3 个月)获得的课程预约数量计算。

来自: 住在:

Hello! I am rejoiced to meet you. My name is Maya.   I majored in Japanese language at university and have a deep interest in language and cultur

来自: 住在:

Hello!   I majored in Japanese at university, and I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in Korean language education. I am now in Tokyo

来自: 住在:

Hello. nice to meet you. I teach international students at a Korean language institute in South Korea. I studied Japanese as I wanted to teach Korean

来自: 住在:

Hello everyone! My name is Jesse. I am from Melbourne, Australia. I am currently living and working in Japan as an English teacher. I teach kindergart

来自: 住在:

Would you like to chat in Japanese?Hello! I am Hamako sensei. I live in Yokohama. Why not chat with me casually, as if you were talking to a friends.


category image 在线待机课程 热门讲师排行


来自: 住在:

Hello. nice to meet you. I teach international students at a Korean language institute in South Korea. I studied Japanese as I wanted to teach Korean

来自: 住在:

Hello!   I majored in Japanese at university, and I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in Korean language education. I am now in Tokyo

来自: 住在:

Hello! My name is Jenny, and I am from Seoul, South Korea! I am delighted to meet you!!! My English name “Jenny” was given to me by my very first nati

来自: 住在:


来自: 住在:

Hello Everyone, my name is Katie!I am from Arizona. My family & I lived in Japan for 10 years. However, we just moved back to the States. While li
