最新更新時間: May 24 (每隔週五更新!)

category image 俄語 評價排行


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Hello, everyone! My name is Vera. I am a professional teacher and my first language is Russian. I obtained a bachelor's degree in linguistics at the

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●各位學員,大家好。歡迎你來到我的個人頁面。我是 Elena,來自俄羅斯,旅居日本約 30 年。我從小學開始就就讀日本學校,直到讀完研究所。我的最高學歷:東北大學醫工學研究科 碩士我的外表是俄羅斯人,但內心是日本人。我會說日語、俄語、韓語及英語共 4 種語言。我很喜歡聊天,最擅長也最喜歡翻譯(^▽

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各位學員,大家好!我是 Elena。 ⦅自我介紹⦆我來自俄羅斯的凱薩琳堡。我在學時選修法語,所以我是個不會說英語的俄羅斯人,這還蠻少見的。進入烏拉爾聯邦大學後,我主修日本學。當時我對日本一無所知,在學習的過程中才迷上日本,還前往大阪外國語大學留學 2 次。之後我就一直住在日本,到現在約 20 年。

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Hello! My name is Alexandra, but you can call me Sasha. I'm russian living in Japan. I got my degree in Kamchatka State University and have been teac

category image 俄語 重複聽課排行榜


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Hello everyone! My name is Guzel. I’m a qualified Russian language teacher (I'm also a native speaker). I was born and raised in Moscow and grad

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Hello, everyone! My name is Vera. I am a professional teacher and my first language is Russian. I obtained a bachelor's degree in linguistics at the

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Intro: Hello, students! My name is Yana and I am from Ukraine. I am a friendly, university-educated Russian and German teacher with more than 13 year

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Hello! My name is Valentina and i live in Japan. I have experience teaching English at a school in Tokyo.Let's speak English, ask me any questions, me

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Здравствуйте!! Меня зовут Йоко! Hello! I’m YOKO.T. I normally work as a tour guide-interpreter, helping Russians get to know Japan! I started t

category image 俄語 人氣講師排行


來自: 住在:

Intro: Hello, students! My name is Yana and I am from Ukraine. I am a friendly, university-educated Russian and German teacher with more than 13 year

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Hello! My name is Valentina and i live in Japan. I have experience teaching English at a school in Tokyo.Let's speak English, ask me any questions, me
