最新更新時間: June 7 (每隔週五更新!)

category image 發聲 評價排行


來自: 住在:

↓Here are some samples of my singing.Hello! I'm voice trainer Yumi. ♪ With the intent of becoming an actress, I moved to Tokyo to study theatre at un

來自: 住在:

Hi! I am a professional Musical theatre actress usually based in NYC. Because of the pandemic, I'm currently residing in Japan.  Ever since I gr

來自: 住在:

Hello! I'm Saya Kawashima and I'm a soprano singer. The first time I ever heard opera, I was so moved by the beauty. I wondered how a human could pro

來自: 住在:

(Please scroll down below to see my illustration-related lesson introduction✨)I am Yumi, a professional singer in Scandinavia and have been teaching

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和「Maichu」一起樂學韓語! 不用緊張,課程有趣又好玩。 我有自信能提供獨一無二的韓語課程。 勇敢追夢吧^^ 我會陪伴在你左右。 大家好,我是韓語講師「Maichu」。 這是朋友把英語的「MY」和我的名字「ZOO」組合在一起取的綽號。我的本名是「Yi・Junju」,但你可以叫我「Maichu」


category image 發聲 重複聽課排行榜


來自: 住在:

↓Here are some samples of my singing.Hello! I'm voice trainer Yumi. ♪ With the intent of becoming an actress, I moved to Tokyo to study theatre at un

來自: 住在:

Hi! I am a professional Musical theatre actress usually based in NYC. Because of the pandemic, I'm currently residing in Japan.  Ever since I gr

來自: 住在:

Hello, my name is Madoka Mooney.I am a jazz singer and vocal/piano instructor residing in NY, USA. After graduating from Musashino Academia Musicae wi

來自: 住在:

Hello, everyone this is Uta-tomo.I am a soprano singer,I belong to Nikikai opera company.I have 15years experience as a Vocal coach.If you'd like to

來自: 住在:

各位學員,大家好!我是 Hana,是位日裔美國人。我從小在德州出生長大!之後到日本的大阪藝術大學念書。 在家我都說日語,出外才說英語,另外每週六我都會去日本的學校上課,所以我的英語和日語都維持得很好。我十分了解剛移居美國或日本,要幫助孩子學雙語是件多麼困難的事! 我從 2017 年開始教英語和日語,


category image 發聲 人氣講師排行


來自: 住在:

Hello, my name is Madoka Mooney.I am a jazz singer and vocal/piano instructor residing in NY, USA. After graduating from Musashino Academia Musicae wi

來自: 住在:

↓Here are some samples of my singing.Hello! I'm voice trainer Yumi. ♪ With the intent of becoming an actress, I moved to Tokyo to study theatre at un

來自: 住在:

Hello, everyone this is Uta-tomo.I am a soprano singer,I belong to Nikikai opera company.I have 15years experience as a Vocal coach.If you'd like to

來自: 住在:

このコースでは声のヨガとも言われているインド声楽の基本またインド楽器エスラジの基礎を学ぶことができます。 歌や楽器が未経験の方から受講可能です。作曲に活用するために学んでいる受講者さんもいらっしゃりきっかけは皆さん様々です。 お気軽にどうぞ ボーカル目的以外にも作曲に活用するために学ばれている受講者

來自: 住在:

各位學員,大家好!我是 Hana,是位日裔美國人。我從小在德州出生長大!之後到日本的大阪藝術大學念書。 在家我都說日語,出外才說英語,另外每週六我都會去日本的學校上課,所以我的英語和日語都維持得很好。我十分了解剛移居美國或日本,要幫助孩子學雙語是件多麼困難的事! 我從 2017 年開始教英語和日語,
