最新更新時間: 1 月 3 日 (每隔週五更新)

category image 發聲 評價排行


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Nice to meet you, I am Yuko(^^♪   I teach piano, drums, and singing in my music class from home, while also working as a bridal choir member. I

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和「Maichu」一起樂學韓語! 不用緊張,課程有趣又好玩。 我有自信能提供獨一無二的韓語課程。 勇敢追夢吧^^ 我會陪伴在你左右。 大家好,我是韓語講師「Maichu」。 這是朋友把英語的「MY」和我的名字「ZOO」組合在一起取的綽號。我的本名是「Yi・Junju」,但你可以叫我「Maichu」

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Buongiono a tutti!I have been working as a Japanese-Italian translator and interpreter in Italy for over 20 years. I have passed Level 1 of the Itali

category image 發聲 重複聽課排行榜


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Hello, my name is Madoka Mooney.I am a jazz singer and vocal/piano instructor residing in NY, USA. After graduating from Musashino Academia Musicae wi

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Nice to meet you, I am Yuko(^^♪   I teach piano, drums, and singing in my music class from home, while also working as a bridal choir member. I

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大家好,我是旅居德國的次女高音歌手,Makiko。 以2016年的留學為契機,開啟了我在德國的生活。   不論是基礎發聲法、德語的詠唱調還是唱歌技巧,我都能提供相關課程。要發出美妙的音色,不能單只是專注在聽到的聲音,還必須從下顎或舌頭的形狀、嘴型、姿勢等各層面去探討問題所在。我會協助各位讓你能唱得

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Nice to meet you♫ My name is Reika. I’m an active pops singer. I’d like to offer lessons on playing the guitar and piano for JPOP and American pop so

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各位學員,大家好!我是 Hana,是位日裔美國人。我從小在德州出生長大!之後到日本的大阪藝術大學念書。 在家我都說日語,出外才說英語,另外每週六我都會去日本的學校上課,所以我的英語和日語都維持得很好。我十分了解剛移居美國或日本,要幫助孩子學雙語是件多麼困難的事! 我從 2017 年開始教英語和日語,

category image 發聲 人氣講師排行


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Hello, my name is Madoka Mooney.I am a jazz singer and vocal/piano instructor residing in NY, USA. After graduating from Musashino Academia Musicae wi

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Nice to meet you♫ My name is Reika. I’m an active pops singer. I’d like to offer lessons on playing the guitar and piano for JPOP and American pop so

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Nice to meet you! I am Ayako, a soprano singer living in Germany. I have been in Italy for almost 9 years, first studying singing privately while at
