最新更新時間: 1 月 3 日 (每隔週五更新)

category image 學科家教 評價排行


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Hello everyone! I'm Emiemi.T, an online tutor currently living in the Netherlands!I used to live in Japan & Melbourne, A

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Hello, my name is misa. I have a teaching license for Japanese as well as for special needs schools. In Japan, I have been involved in a wide range o

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My name is Taro Urashima (浦島太郎).   My specialization is theoretical physics, and I teach mainly mathematics and physics. I also teach chemistry and E

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大家好,我是Emiko。 我在咖啡滔客提供書法、英語、日語課程。 我目前有自己開設書法教室,也兼任書法團體的區域評審。 我曾在讀賣書法展上獲獎,也擁有12年的書法教學經驗,我會活用所學,教導各位書法技巧。上完後我保證你的書法能力一定會提升!我能配合你喜歡的毛筆作指導例如:大筆、小筆、自來水毛筆、原

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Hello, I'm Yumi. Nice to meet you. Do you like to study? Is it fun? Break the vicious cycle of "I don't know" and "I'm not good at it" and beginning

category image 學科家教 新講師排行

依新講師(加入 Cafetalk 未滿 3 個月)獲得的課程預約數量計算。

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Hi there! I'm Riku! I'm a Japanese who can speak English fluently. I've lived in the Czech Republic, Turkey, India, Canada, Japan and the Philippines.

category image 學科家教 重複聽課排行榜


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Hi there! I'm Riku! I'm a Japanese who can speak English fluently. I've lived in the Czech Republic, Turkey, India, Canada, Japan and the Philippines.

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My name is Mitsuru Horii. I have been teaching for many years because I believe it is my vocation to help children who want to learn to understand. I

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Hello, my name is misa. I have a teaching license for Japanese as well as for special needs schools. In Japan, I have been involved in a wide range o

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你的專屬的英語講師,擁有 7 年的教學經驗,包含從幼稚園到 SAT/ACT 及 TOEFL/IELTS 考試準備的全方位內容。立即預約你的試聽課程吧!   我會根據每位學員的個別需求和弱點量身定制課程。我提供詳盡且引人入勝的授課內容並根據學員的專注力調整教學方法,加入有趣的活動來提升學習效

category image 學科家教 人氣講師排行


來自: 住在:

My name is Mitsuru Horii. I have been teaching for many years because I believe it is my vocation to help children who want to learn to understand. I

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Hi there! I'm Riku! I'm a Japanese who can speak English fluently. I've lived in the Czech Republic, Turkey, India, Canada, Japan and the Philippines.

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Hello, my name is misa. I have a teaching license for Japanese as well as for special needs schools. In Japan, I have been involved in a wide range o

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Hello. I am MAYO. Thank you for checking out my profile page♪ I am grateful for this opportunity to get to know you. Please do not hesitate to contact
