have been / have gone どっちを使ったらいい?
みなさま、こんにちは。英語と日本語講師のリナです。英語の時制って、難しいですよね。 なんか日本語には無い感覚だなぁ? 継続?経験?完了?なんかいろいろ教科書には出てきたけど、イマイチよくわからな...
Rina A
大家好!我是Nai。 非常感謝這段時間,2022年1月在Cafetalk完成了滿100堂華語課♪ 也祝福大家學華語時都開心順利,達成自己的目標,一起加油! 歡迎一起跟Nai老師學華語♡
Be kind to yourself. Don't speak negative, don't sabotage yourself, don't punish yourself in your m...
5 Tips to Improve Your Speaking Skills!
Hello Everyone! So everyone wants to improve their spoken English. But what can you do to improve ...
Tracy R.
四大公投結果出爐Chūlú 蔡總統:展現公民意志 民主是堅強後盾Hòudùn
公投:住民投票、國民投票 結果出爐:結果が出ました 後盾:後押しする、力をかして援助する 例:家人是堅強的後盾 一番大きいのは家族の支えです 蔡總統表示,這次公投Gōngtóu明確傳達Míngquè...
Maggie Yang
It is a good habit to read the English newspaper if you haven’t started doing so already.1. Readin...
여러분 안녕하세요^^ 쥬쥬입니다.皆さん、こんにちは!ジュジュです。2022年!韓国の旧正月を体験してみませんか? 新年、最初のセミナーは "ソルラル(旧正月)フェスティバル" を開催いたします...
Talking about resolutions in English
Many people have been talking about their New Year’s resolutions recently, and I’ve had some great ...
Zach McLaughlin
I would definitely consider myself a "summer person." My favorite summer activities include going t...
Jodie L.
Photo: Raffi - BananaphoneIt’s rare these days to meet someone who doesn’t have a cell phone. For m...
Zach McLaughlin
Robert Burns and Burns Suppers
Robert Burns, (1759-96), was born in Ayrshire, Scotland on 25 January 1759. He wrote many songs and...
(グローバリゼーションって何のため?)What's the “Globalization” for?
You can listen my English Broadcasting below.https://stand.fm/episodes/61dc57a29816cb0007dd343cHell...
Teacher Asuka
Are you a summer or winter person?
To be honest, I am not particularly fond of summer or winter. The problem with these seasons is s...
Stephen Brivati
About the photo: The Philippine tarsier from my beloved hometown. Tarsiers have enormous eyes and c...
Brazil loses a great writer - Lya Luft
Lya Luft was from southern Brazil, initially had her work recognized as a translator of works by gr...
Angélica C
I am a new Cafe Talk tutor who has just delivered 10 lessons to amazing students! I hope for hundre...
Jemima Burke
Nana, Kyoto
みなさん年末年始で冷蔵庫がいろんな食材でいっぱいだったと思います。 それらの消費期限は大丈夫でしょうか。今回は消費期限に関するフランス語です。日本と同じように2種類を表す言い方があります。 消費期限...
Rainbow Lay
大好きな湘南の神社でおみくじ釣りをしてきました。タコ と フグ をつりましたなんでタコとフグ?って思いますか??タコとフグ … タコフグ… 多幸福 たこうふく(ギャグ?)多くの幸福が訪れるよ...
6 Tips to Improve Your Grammar!
Hello Everyone! It's a new year and therefore time to make New Year's resolutions. I'm sure some of...
Tracy R.
Different Ways of saying that you are sick
Times are uncertain. Many of us may feel ill at any time. In English, there could be different way...
Happy New Year! Did you have a good Christmas time and a New Year? I hope you had a wonderful time...
Listen to a TED Talk weekly - Make this a goal for 2022!
What kind of talks are TED talks? Technology, Entertainment, Design These subject areas are shapin...
新年あけましておめでとうございます。いつの間にか2022年ですね(*´Д`)しめ縄つくりました(^_-)-☆ 寅年です!(とらどし)どんなお正月を過ごしましたか?私はゆーーーーーっくり休みました♪今...
My thoughts about New Year's Resolution
The New year resolution 2022 about myself or yourself is actually the set of commitments that we ma...
쥬쥬 어워드에 당선되신 학생분들에게 무사히 선물이 도착했다는 메시지를 받았습니다. 선물은 물론 받을 때도 기쁘지만, 소중한 분들에게 마음을 담아 선물을 드릴 수...
Photo: my personal trainer giving me push-ups advice I think that New Year's resolutions are a grea...