My motto is: Insist on your dreams! Never give up! I believe that we are always trying to pursue wh...
Pilar Barrera
(何気ないものに美が宿る)Finding Beauty in the humblest things
You can listen my column as soon as you visit below:
Teacher Asuka
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Dear, Readers. It is great to be back with another installment of Crazy And Funny Facts You Sho...
Lyston G.
ブログより山桜かすみに浮かび如(し)くはなし我が幻想の現(うつつ)となれり the peerless is the mountain cherry in the haze my fantasy ...
Rika Inami
(かわいいって?)What's the word, ’Kawaii'?
You can listen my latest column as soon as you visit below:
Teacher Asuka
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Dear, Readers. It is a beautiful morning in the south of Thailand. The clock is at 09:17 am, and ...
Lyston G.
10 Ways to have a better conversation- Ted talks
Hi guys!I came across this interesting Ted talks on conversation ideas and I thought I would share ...
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Dear, Readers. What a pleasure it is to be back with another installment of Crazy And Funny Fact...
Lyston G.
Thanks to all the students who have helped me make my 1st milestone. It has been so much fun gettin...
Connie Gautreaux
ひきざくら雨ふりそぼつ山の辺に白き光となりて咲きたり magnolia kobushi on the mountainside blooms as white luminosity ...rai...
Rika Inami
(日本の魅力)What’s the attractive spots in Japan?
Here's Teacher Asuka's English Wave✨✨✨You can listen my latest column as soon as you visit below:ht...
Teacher Asuka
Read, Write, and Listen Carefully: The Danger of Misunderstanding English Homonyms
Last August, I wrote about the tragic explosion in Beirut, Lebanon and how this horrible event migh...
Arthur Heffelfinger
From Tanka by Rika Inami 10- Akita International Haiku Network春祭の天(あま)つらぬきて零(こぼ)れむか枝垂れ桜の乱舞に酔ふてthrou...
Rika Inami
ブログより 淡紅に桜(はな)咲きみつるお城山うれひの春を束の間ほどく Oshiroyama-- light pink sakura in full bloom briefly unwinds my ...
Rika Inami
(世界で同じ言語を話すべきか?)Should everyone speak the same language?
You can listen my column as soon as you visit below :
Teacher Asuka
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Dear, Readers. It is a great pleasure to back with another installment of Crazy And Funny Facts ...
Lyston G.
ブログより 秋田国際俳句ネットワーク( 旧秋田国際俳句.川柳.短歌ネットワーク)の短歌ページに掲載して頂いている歌の多くを、私は掲載月の前月に詠った歌から選んでいる。今回の前月といえば、3月だ。冬...
Rika Inami
お気に入りの言葉②“Life is a journey, not a destination.”
ー“Life is a journey, not a destination.”ー 私が25歳の時、バックパックを背負って6カ月のアジア・オーストラリアの旅に出て最初の目的地、タイ、バンコクでこの...
ブログより清風に佐保姫舞ふか蕗のたう雪消(ゆきげ)の間よりかをりたゆたふ does Sahohimedance Spring gracefullyin supple breezes?the fra...
Rika Inami
(顧客サービスの重要性)What's Important for High Quality Customer Service
You can listen my column as soon as you visit below:
Teacher Asuka
Let me tell you what is happening in my country right now!
Further to my post yesterday, I would like to share the dire news regarding Covid 19 cases.The numb...
Audrey オードリー
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Dear, Readers. What a great pleasure it is to be back with another installment of Crazy And Funn...
Lyston G.
(ビジネスにおけるデジタル技術)Digital Technology in Business
You can listen my column as soon as visit below :
Teacher Asuka
初めまして!SAYAKAです! オンラインレッスンの実際を皆さんに紹介したいと思います!その前にメインの画像はお友達が書いてたものなのですが、、、悪意ありますよね〜実際の私はこんなにムキムキでは...
さくら舞い散る中に 忘れた記憶と 君の声が戻ってくる 吹き止まない春の風 あの頃のままで 「さくら」by ケツメイシ奈良のさくら、舞い散る。この季節は雨が多く、春の強い風が吹き荒れ、せっかくきれい...
(モンテッソーリ教育)Let the Child be the Guide
You can listen my column as soon as you visit below.
Teacher Asuka
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Dear, Readers. It is an honor to be in your esteemed company. I hope you are all doing excell...
Lyston G.