Active listening and Effective communication
In active listening, one makes a conscious effort to listen to the speaker and understand the infor...
When I was biking to the post office the other day, I came across a sight that brought back a lot o...
Lizzie H
Tourism is seen by many countries as an important source of income, yet countries must also conside...
Identity poems: Where I’m from
I recently did an activity with my colleagues to get to know each other better and it was a kind of...
Zach McLaughlin
「Usually」は皆さんよくご存知だと思いますが、実はネイティヴスピーカーがよく使うのは、「more often than not」という表現。特に、何か好きなことを話す時には、「usually ...
John Nanakamado
How do you interrupt someone politely?
Interruptions may arise under various situations. You might need to stop somebody who appears to be...
Request a painting you want to reproducing!
I realized that reproduceing a masterpiece was more interesting than I expected. Of course, it is i...
The next destination on my list is...
The last overseas holiday that my family went on was to Thailand and it was action-packed. My wi...
Rank-in commemorative coupon issued !
Hello. I am always grateful for your love and light. I got the 3rd place (other genre) in the ...
Satomi Uchida
Are delivery drones a way to satisfy our needs?
There has been news in the UK this week that the postal service, Royal Mail, is looking at introduc...
My Next Destination is… I can’t say that I have a destination in mind in the sense that was probabl...
Stephen Brivati
Don’t get me wrong, the earth is a beautiful planet. There are many places that I would like to vis...
Takayuki Charette
IELTS Speaking webinar on Friday, 20th May @10.00-11.00am Japan time- Just 600 points!
Hi everyone!I'm VERY excited to let you know that on Friday 20th May, at 10-11.00am Japan time, I w...
Mark Roy
Image: An alleged UFO seen from a farm near McMinnville, Oregon, 1950 from https://www.britannica.c...
Zach McLaughlin
It is very important to get in touch with your partner or customer in business. You can learn the b...
Jessica H
Talking about NHL hockey in English: Part 2
The teams A hockey team typically dresses (has) 20 players, 18 skaters and 2 goalies (goaltenders/g...
Zach McLaughlin
Talking about NHL hockey in English: Part 1
I recently posted about the NHL Playoff Season and promised to add another post with more vocabular...
Zach McLaughlin
Expressing your Opinion and Holding a Discussion
Do you struggle with prolonged discussions? Do you find it hard to express your opinion? What are t...
Ice hockey (usually just called hockey) is one of Canada’s national sports (the other is lacrosse)....
Zach McLaughlin
You could be expected by an examiner: Ø To expand on your narrative using both complex and compoun...
中文旅遊記事~福島縣(fu2dao3xian4)昭和村(zhao1 he2 cun1)
嗨大家好!我這次要跟大家介紹我的旅遊記事,在日本黃金周(huang2jin1zhou1)假期(jia4qi2),我到了福島縣(fu2dao3xian4)昭和村(zhao1he2cun1)遊玩。 ...
READ Aloud to work on your vocal muscles, improve speech, clarity and confidence
Have you ever struggled to understand what someone is trying to say because their words and sentenc...
What’s your opinion? “Choose a side: Tom the cat? or Jerry the mouse?”
In the case of Tom Tom appears to play the villain in the cartoon, but upon closer inspection,...
Takayuki Charette
Choose a side, Tom or Jerry? My apologies to everyone. I missed my blog last week. Of course, it wa...
Stephen Brivati
Techniques for Improving Spoken and Written English
Are you struggling with techniques to improve your spoken and written English?To speak and write we...
NYオンライントラベル)Online NY City Travel Experience
Thank you for listening my latest English Broadcasting as always✨✨✨✨
Teacher Asuka
早上,我一起床就洗澡。 在每年的这个时候,这是必要的,因为我在早上出汗的时候,有一个清爽的一天。 早餐主要是面包或米饭。 很少有中国的饭菜,如肉包子的粥。 我每天都坐固定的火车去上班。 每天都有很多...