I've become a Mountain Person - Urabandai trip
Hello Everyone ! When I lived in Canada I was definately a beach person , I loved going to the seas...
The mountain or the beach? The mountain, of course!
I was born in Bogota Colombia, a city nestled right in the middle of the Andes, located 2,600 mts a...
Pilar Barrera
こんにちはSaoです海派か山派か○○派か。という話題がカフェートークの講師コラムでチラホラと。ちなみに○○派は、英語で~~personと言います。様々なものに使えますので便利です。例:犬派:a do...
Are you a ‘Beach Person’ or a ‘Mountain Person’?
Are you a ‘beach person’ or a ‘mountain person'?' This week’s topic is much easier to answer than i...
Stephen Brivati
I’m not a mountain person because there are no mountains anywhere nearby and I’m not a beach person...
Zach McLaughlin
Enjoying my Daily Life consists of 3 simple things! Also MORE AVAILABLE Lesson Times AND COUPONS!
Hello Dear Students! Happy FALL!I enjoy my daily life by doing three things: 1. Spending so...
Lisa D.
The Clivia plant, also known as the Bush lily, is a very special plant that is endemic to South Af...
Teacher Hanne
【どうする?英検対策?】 第6回:過去問研究(ライティング編)-2
こんにちは。講師のbananafishです。 ライティングに注目した英検対策レッスン新設に伴い、コラムで英検を取り上げています。 過去問研究 ライティング編 第2回です。 英検ライティングの難しさの...
網購 ㄨㄤˇ ㄍㄡˋ wǎng gòu 以往要購物時,只要出門去附近的大賣場、超市等,就能買到日用品;今年因為疫情的關係,宅在家鮮少出門,因此開始習慣網路購物(網購),再加上在家刷卡付錢,也省去...
Why did I choose to be a tutor?
I choose to be a tutor because I love to teach in the first place. I love to share what I know I lo...
Luca sensei
Plants in English: Stone Plants
Stone plants are very special succulent plants. Their scientific genus name is Lithops. Lithops mea...
Teacher Hanne
【どうする?英検対策?】 第5回:過去問研究(ライティング編)-1
Just when the world thought Covid-19 was waning1, many countries are seeing a huge resurgence of ...
Arthur Heffelfinger
Gardening became very popular during the quarantine months. Even if you just have a small veranda, ...
Teacher Hanne
Thread and Needle: My New Thing
During the pandemic I have been mostly at home, doing everything from home. I’m Ok with that. I’m u...
Pilar Barrera
面白い調査を見ました。 ↓ 「10台にとってお葬式とは・・・こういうこと」意識調査 「10代にとってお葬式って…こういうこと」意識調査で見えた、日本の葬儀業界の未来株式会社グッドオフのプレスリリ...
I want to try mountain hiking this year
This year I would like to do some mountain hiking and see interesting and rare South African plants...
Teacher Hanne
I want to try to get cut this year.
I would like to get cut this year. Did you understand that phrase? Which one do you think it is?A) ...
(朝活)“Asa-katsu”—The Activities in the morning-Early bird catches the warm!
My latest English broadcasting is below:https://stand.fm/episodes/614df43cecd7220006ad54b6 Hello, ...
Teacher Asuka
How I Excelled Studying Three Masters Degrees
Studying anything can be challenging. For me, studying Law, learning French and Korean languages w...
Sarah Nam
Which study method to choose is a good question! It depends a lot on what you like doing, and on yo...
As some of you may know, I have been trying to sell my house. As of today, it is sold! That is th...
Greg R
The Best Teaching and Studying Method: Being Yourself and Motivation
I have been teaching for more than 20 years. I have been learning things all my life. I love lear...
Pilar Barrera
月餅 ㄩㄝˋ ㄅㄧㄥˇ yuè bǐng 再過兩三天就是中秋節囉!說到中秋,絕對少不了月餅。今年看到花蓮有家小店製作了港式冰皮月餅(snowy mooncake ),看起來很不錯,就訂來...
If you could go back in time, when would it be?
こんにちはSaoですもし、過去に戻れるならいつに戻りたいですか?If you could go back in time, when would it be?過去に戻るは英語でgo back in ...
If I could go back to the past and take back what I did? Where should I start..?
Hello, everyone.It's been a while since I wrote something here. Since the journal topic for this we...
Riku Rick
If I could go back in time, I would go back to England in the 1800s. Everybody was crazy about fair...
Pilar Barrera