CELPE-Bras - Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners

Angélica C

CELPE-Bras (Portuguese: Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros, "Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese for Foreigners") is the only certificate of proficiency in Brazilian Portuguese as a second language officially recognized and developed by the Brazilian Ministry of Education. The Celpe-Bras exam is offered in Brazil and many other countries, such as the United States, Germany, Chile, Colombia, and Japan, with the support of the Brazilian Ministry of International Relations. 
The exam is taken by learners of Portuguese who wish to gauge their progress or who wish to provide proof of their level of proficiency, students planning to study at a higher education institution in Brazil, professionals who wish to have an academic certificate from their own country validated in Brazil.
All candidates take the same exam and are subsequently classified as having attained one of four levels of proficiency: intermediate, upper intermediate, advanced, or highly advanced.


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