
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Lyston G. 講師的專欄

Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know



It is wonderful to be back. 

It has been raining for two weeks straight in southern Thailand. 

I also understand that there has been flooding in some areas around the country. 

I hope you are all having a memorable weekend. 

Today, I have a little fun fact. 

We all know the popular little rubber toy ducks.

They usually come in yellow. 

Here is what happened some years ago. 

A cargo ship traveling from Hong Kong to the United States accidentally lost a shipping crate in the Pacific Ocean. 

Inside that crate were 28,000 rubber ducks unwittingly about to embark on many long journeys across the globe. 

As rubber ducks continue to pop up on shores from Australia to Alaska, they've enlightened our understanding of ocean currents.


Some have made it all the way to the Atlantic Ocean while others have been found frozen in Arctic ice.

Can you believe that? 

The little rubber ducks have been on many spectacular voyages. 

Have you seen one of these little beauties along your shores?

If you do come across one, please let us all know, and we will help you celebrate. 

Yellow toy ducks remain top sellers in Thailand. They come in all forms and sizes. 

I hope you enjoyed this installment. I am also looking forward to bringing you more fun facts. 

In addition to the lessons available on my profile, you can also select any Crazy and Funny Facts You Should Know theme, and book a lesson for discussion. 


I am looking forward to seeing you. 

Have a happy week. 

