
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Zach McLaughlin 講師的專欄

Making mistakes in speaking


Since returning to university to start my MA in Applied Linguistics, I’ve been able to take lessons and hear lectures from some very smart people in the English teaching profession, and I’ve been reminded of something that I want to pass on to all language learners - everyone makes mistakes! 

Yep, from time to time, all "native speakers", even language teachers, get a preposition wrong, make a subject/verb agreement error, mix up two words, pronounce something incorrectly, or give up halfway through a sentence and try again. We get nervous, too, when we’re talking to new people or large groups of people, and especially when we’re being recorded, and then we’re more likely to make mistakes. Even if you know a language very well, you still make mistakes.  

As a language learner, don’t expect your English (or any other language that you’re trying to learn) to be perfect - nobody speaks perfectly! Be patient with yourself, and if your tutor or language teacher points out a small mistake, don’t take it too personally. That’s just our job. The important thing is that the other person can understand you. Accuracy will come in time.

Wishing you all the best with your studies!


