Starbucks Addiction [Intermediate]


For the past year, I have been going to Starbucks almost everyday. It has definitely caused a dent on my wallet but I can't help it! I've thought about getting a thermos and making my own drinks to save money, but it all comes to nothing

My go-to drinks are either Matcha Tea Latte or White Mocha with extra syrup. I go for the former when I have a slow day and the latter when I feel out of it. The caffeine and sugar boost are important to get me started with the day. I don't know about you, but I'm just not a morning person (this is why I don't offer morning lessons). Starbucks help put my brain together

On top of that, I just love the staff at Starbucks. They are quite attentive and they will remember you if you are a regular customer. Often times, I walk in and they immediately put my order in. Some of the staff even do this cute wave that just makes my day. Every Christmas, I get them a box of chocolates as a way to express my gratitude for their service. I know the service industry can be tough sometimes. So, I think it's important for them to know their effort and gestures are very much appreciated!

Key words:
  1. Cause a dent on one's wallet - cause you to lose money / affect you financially
  2. Can't help it - can't stop doing something
  3. Come to nothing - have no end result
  4. Go-to - something you always choose / your regular choice
  5. Go for - to choose
  6. Feel out of it - feel tired, feel not yourself, feel strange
  7. Put something together - combine pieces together / solve a mystery by connecting all the pieces 
  8. Put one's order in - enter one's order
  9. Make someone's day - make someone's day better / cheer someone up 

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