My Favorite Season

每週主題: Tell us 3 good aspects about your favorite season.

Lydia Mendivil


  Do you want to know what tutors' favorite seasons are?   Well, I can't say for all of them, but for me I like spring the best. I like the way the beautiful flowers wake up from the earth after such a long cold winter. What a beautiful masquerade that I see under the blue spring sky! Additionally, I like the feel of the soft , gentle breeze on my skin after such a harsh  crude winter. Spring kindly invites me to experience the magic of its wonders as animals frolic and play upon

the meadow filled with colorful flowers such as deep blue and golden ones too.   Spring feels refreshing as it leads me into its chambers of such majestic warmth. The whole world rejuvenates and becomes alive again in the spring. That is why, oh why ---YES--I like spring so much !

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