Make learning a habit not a hassle.

今週のテーマ: 新しい年、新しいスキル: 2024年の学習計画

Dan H

Happy New Year!

Time for me to be honest...

I'm not a huge fan of large, vague New Years' resolutions. 

They usually crash and burn after a couple of weeks. I feel defeated and demoralised!

I stopped making resolutions a few years ago and instead started forming small, daily habits.

For example:
- I now practise Japanese for five to ten minutes every day.
- I always take a walk around the block during the daytime.
- I pick up a book and read every night.

I have done all of these three things pretty much every single day for the last year. They have become a habit rather than a hassle. I don't even have to remind myself to do them anymore.

From this base, I have been inspired to go deeper into my learning and undertake more challenging exercises. I feel fitter and more inspired than I have for many years.

But I started with something small and easily repeated. 

If you have a big goal that you would like to achieve, whether that's running your first marathon or learning English, find something small that you can do most days. And make sure that it's realistic! 

You will start building the bridge to your ambition!

Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash




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英語   ネイティブ
フランス語   日常会話程度
日本語   カタコト

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