Amy Jost
Apr 1, 2024
Английский | Native |
Немецкий | Fluent |
Японский | Just a few words |
Испанский | Just a few words |
Иврит | Just a few words |
Тайский | Just a few words |
Why is it 'Black' Friday? Shopping (and saving) on a rainy, November day!
During the week of November 20 - 26, 2023, it doesn't matter what the weather is like - millions of...
Amy Jost
When I moved to Europe about 35 years ago, I was amazed by the clean and inviting water of Alpine l...
Amy Jost
Local spas are just the ticket
Spring Break in Europe is very different to the Spring Breaks I experienced as an American. There I...
Amy Jost
Earth Day is a day on which we should think about our home, planet Earth. We should always consider...
Amy Jost
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