Something Special for the Spring


Launching a seasonal lesson for new beginnings...
A marathon week to improve your writing skills!
Are you up for the challenge?
Prepare a short piece of 500 Words(hard limit) every day for a week.
Start by writing about the things around you, then let your imagination run wild. It can be anything from your own diary to your report or a presentation, or a research, or a review, or an essay, or a letter, or anything you want. Don't worry. We will discuss your main issues before you start writing, and I will give some pointers.
After four days, you will get a short report, an overview of where you are lacking, what requires more attention, and how to improve your speed. A cool-down day is reserved for you to analyze your stylistic choice, alter the way of writing, change your theme, or even start a three-part short story.
After the full event, I will give you a consolidated report of all 7 of your works. There will be a section on the pros and cons, plus highlights.
What else?
{If I feel very strongly about your writing, I will provide a special discount for your next session, where we will discuss the endless possibilities of writing and writing tools and maybe think about publishing. (Try taking the 4-day trial)}
Also, there is one bonus feature of this lesson like no other! If you don't like typing or are not very good at typing. It's okay. We can discuss your handwritten works.

Do not fear. Fear is the Mindkiller.



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印地語   母語程度
英語   母語程度
日語   日常會話程度
西班牙語   只能說一點
烏爾都語   只能說一點


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