Three Measures to Alleviate Hay Fever

Weekly Topic: Do you have any tips for allergy season?

Saku Lala(さくら)

I have been struggling with pollen in the spring for a long time; how bad depends on the time of year. I’ve been taking measures to cope with it.

 Three Measures to Alleviate Hay Fever

1: Eat Less Wheat Products

I don’t avoid wheat completely; I actually had spaghetti alla carbonara for lunch today, which was good. I try not to eat a lot. At home, I can substitute rice pasta for wheat pasta in various dishes.


2: Move to a Certain Place Where There's No Allergenic Source

In Japan, for instance, I've heard that Okinawa Prefecture doesn’t have cedar trees, so if you’re allergic to cedar pollen, it might be a good choice for the near future, even if not immediately possible.


3 Healthier Lifestyles

Not only should we take precautions against allergies, but we should also strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Yes, you are busy, you’d like to eat good ramen almost every day, and you have a responsibility to keep fit. Doctors could give you medicine or surgery, but they can’t change your habit. Eat well, exercise, and sleep sufficiently. This is what I tell myself!

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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