Generally speaking, most of Asians are as well.
Yuka Kato
Feb 1, 2025
Comments (2)
Japanisch | Native |
Englisch | Proficient |
Chinesisch/Mandarin | Daily conversation |
How to say "Cry over spilt milk" in Japanese?
Hey everyone! This is Yuka, a new Japanese teacher. I love to read the column about language, "How ...
Yuka Kato
How to say "I have a brother." in Japanese?
Hi, everyone! I am Yuka, a Japanese teacher. Today's sentence is, "I have a brother." Yes, it's a...
Yuka Kato
终于打通关了! 虽然我平常不太玩这种游戏,不过听说这个游戏的主题是西游记,我努力了。 非常好玩的 《西游记》,在日本也有两部电视剧,78版和06版。所以在日本也是非常受欢迎的,一个中国故事(...
Yuka Kato
When I started reading the book, it was November 2024. It took 4 months! I had also read "YellowFac...
Yuka Kato
今年もお世話になりました!※Written in Japanese and English
<The English version is written below>皆さんは今年どんな1年をお過ごしでしたか?私は仕事とプライベートを両立でき良い年になりました。プライベートでは趣味で動画編...
日本語講師のKaoru.Hです。写真は今年の干支(えと)へびの和菓子です。実り多き1年となりますように。今年もよろしくお願いいたします。日本語講師 Kaoru.H
Yuka Kato
Feb 2, 2025
Hi, Latisha! I appreciate your message! This is my very first column.
I will update another column soon. I'd be glad if my column would be helpful to you if you have Japanese students.
Feb 2, 2025
Hi Yuka! I'm a new English teacher here as well. I have also found some of the columns here enjoyable. I think your column is very interesting. Even thought there are many differences between cultures, there are also many similarities (I.e the idiom you used). This idiom has the same meaning in both English and Japanese culture just different wording. By the way, I actually prefer the Japanese expression over the English one lol... Great Column!