Hello everyone, long time no see! Sometimes my students ask me the best way to study a language. Usually my answer is “You should study in whatever way feels most interesting and fun for you.” While I do think that making studying interesting is the most important thing, I’ve also found that some study habits have been particularly helpful for me. In this column, I’m going to introduce some of my favorite ways to study foreign languages.
1. Recognize your learning style
- Everyone has a different learning style. Some people like to see things organized visually. Some people need to write something by hand in order to understand it. Some people, like me, rely on their ears and the memory of sounds in order to learn material. These different learning styles are sometimes referred to as VARK, which stands for visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic. How do you learn? When you know your learning style, you can tailor your study methods to fit your skills and strengths. Don’t just do something if it works for other people! Ask yourself: what will be the most helpful to ME?
1. 自分の学習スタイルを知る
人それぞれ、学習スタイルは異なります。視覚的に情報を整理している人もいれば、手で書かないと理解できない人もいます。私のように、耳で聞いた音やリズムを記憶して学ぶタイプの人もいるでしょう。これらの学習スタイルは、一般的に「VARK」と呼ばれ、**視覚(Visual)、聴覚(Auditory)、読解・筆記(Reading & Writing)、体感(Kinesthetic)**の4つに分類されます。
あなたはどのタイプでしょうか? 自分の学習スタイルを知ることで、より効果的な勉強方法を選ぶことができます。他の人にとって効果的な方法だからといって、自分にも合うとは限りません。自分にとって一番効果的な方法は何かを考えてみましょう!
2. Set realistic goals
- It’s fun to set goals, but it can also be frustrating when you don’t achieve the goals you set for yourself. In the beginning, you may not even know what a realistic goal is! When I set goals, I like to think about study methods that are fun for me, and study methods that don’t take so long. Since I like studying flashcards, I can usually find time to study my Japanese language flash cards at least a few times a week. If I miss a day of studying, no big deal. I can come back to it the next day. The key is to not think of it as a task that you have to do. If studying is fun, then it can be a break from your usual life. After you’ve tried one way of studying for a week or two, come back and assess your progress. Do you need to tweak your methods? Do you need to set your goal a little higher, or a little lower? Sometimes having ambitious goals can be really motivating! And sometimes ambitious goals are discouraging. For me, this can be influenced by how I feel generally about my life at the time. Don’t be too hard on yourself!
2. 現実的な目標を立てる
私は目標を立てるとき、「自分にとって楽しい勉強法」と「短時間でできる勉強法」を意識します。例えば、私はフラッシュカードを使うのが好きなので、日本語の単語カードを週に数回は必ず勉強するようにしています。もし1日勉強をサボってしまっても、次の日にまた始めればOK! 勉強を「厄介な任務」と考えないのがポイントです。
まずは1〜2週間試してみて、自分の進捗を確認しましょう。自分に聞いてみてください:方法を変えた方がいいか? 目標をもう少し高くするか、あるいは低くするか? 大きな目標がモチベーションになることもあれば、逆にプレッシャーになってしまうこともあります。 そのときの自分の気分や状況に合わせて調整することが大切です。あまり自分に厳しくしすぎないようにしましょう!
3. Track your progress
- If you’re studying consistently, or somewhat consistently, tracking your progress can be a kind of motivation in itself. Have you ever gotten a rush from watching numbers go up as you make progress on something? I like to track the number of vocabulary cards that I memorize. I use a highlighter to check off every day that I study, and I write down the number of cards I’ve memorized. Even if I have days when I feel like I’m not good at Japanese, I can look at my goal tracker and recognize that I am making progress, slowly but surely!
3. 進捗を記録する
4. Use Spaced Repetition Systems (SRS)
- One studying method that I swear by is a Spaced Repetition System, or an SRS. A spaced repetition system can help you learn by making sure that you’re studying the things you have the most trouble with. It separates words (or grammar points, or concepts) into different piles based on how well you know them. This way, you study the difficult points most frequently, and you review things that you’ve already mastered less frequently. When it’s time to study something that you haven’t studied for a while, a digital SRS will remind you to review it. If you want to try an SRS, you can use an app for your phone or you can make one by yourself.
4. 間隔反復システム(SRS)を活用する
私が最も信頼している勉強法のひとつが**間隔反復システム(SRS: Spaced Repetition System)**です。
紙のカードを使って自分でSRSを作ることもできます。5. Recognize your weak points
- Let’s face it: we all have those things that we really hate studying. For me, that’s business Japanese and listening to the news in Japanese. I don’t like these things because they’re hard! Unfortunately, there will be situations when I have to face my fears and confront those things that I’m not good at. So even if it’s not the central part of your studying routine, I think it’s important to spend some time with your weak points. Who knows, you might even discover that you like something more than you thought you did. In any case, knowing your weaknesses clearly can help make them less intimidating and scary. You can break them up into smaller pieces to make them more manageable too!
5. 自分の弱点を知る
正直に言うと…誰にでも「苦手だから避けたいもの」がありますよね? 私の場合、ビジネス日本語とニュースのリスニングが大の苦手です。なぜなら、難しいから!(笑) でも、避け続けるわけにはいきません。いつか必ず向き合う必要があります。
Confession time: Another one of my weaknesses is writing long sentences in Japanese. So… I asked ChatGPT to translate this column into Japanese for me. (I wrote the English myself without AI though!) Maybe if I study very hard, I’ll be able to write long posts like this in Japanese eventually. Language learning is hard, isn’t it?
Do you have any advice for how to study languages? Feel free to share your opinions or experiences in the comment section!
みなさんは語学を勉強するとき、どんな工夫をしていますか? ぜひ、コメントで意見や経験をシェアしてください!
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