
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Keiko Davy 講師的專欄

Have a good weekend! よい週末を!


It is a bit eary!? but having a good start of the weekend - drinking beer at the beach! What about you??? There is nothing fancy about this place but seafood is great! 


You must be thinking... a bucket of ice?? What's for?? Well, it is not for icing the beer bottle (like one of those white wine cooler bucket). In this warm weather, the beer gets too warm too quickly, so they usually serve ice so that you can put it into glasses! It is a bit strange, right? 


Malaysians are so good at deep frying anything! Deep fried fish with some chili sauce and squid and broccoli stir fry... And my favourite, coconut :)  Did you know coconut water is so healthy? You drink it, then eat the white skin part with a spoon. I am so happy I can have this regularly for so cheap! (about 150 yen)


Thai massage awaits after this feast... I better eat the food, otherrise my husband will finish them all lol! 

この食事の後はタイ式マッサージが待ってます♡ あ、早く食べた方がいいですね、主人に全部食べられちゃいますから!(笑)

★ Notice お知らせ★

I introduced new lessons this week. Please check my profile for more details. 


