Read, Listen & Repeat

0 分鐘 X 2
2 堂課程包
每堂 750 點
If you listen to the dialogues and phrases I recorded and repeat JUST ONE OF THEM FOR 10 MINUTES every day, you'll see a big improvement in your comprehension and speaking ability.


此為 2 堂課程的課程包。當講師確定第 1 堂課程預約後,另外 1 堂將會以優惠券的形式自動發送供之後預約使用。請注意,課程包優惠券使用期限為第 1 堂課程時間後的 90 天內

課程應按時間順序預約,即第 2 堂課程的時間應在第 1 堂之後。以此類推。


This is a course for self-study, even though I can provide a follow-up upon request.
What's the deal?
I prepared a short series of textbooks (and I'm working on new ones) focused on:

  • Natural conversation
  • Phrases that can be used in daily and professional conversations
  • PDF files with audio 
  • Effective for speaking, listening and pronounciation

Each textbook is composed of :

1. A section with dialogue + audio
2. A section with vocabulary, expressions and phrases
3. A section with written sentences + audio to allow you to listen and repeat.

You can listen to the dialogue and the sentences as many times as you need while cooking, commuting or in front of your desk, and you can repeat after the recording to improve your pronounciation.

How does it work?
You choose your topic and I will send you the PDF and the MP3.
You can buy a single course or 2 at a time to take advantage of a discount, but I strongly suggest you practise with one single textbook until you feel that you master the conversation and the exercices completely.
Finally, you can complete this course with an additional one so I will correct your pronounciation or explain unclear grammar or vocabulary points.

Here are the topics available at the moment:

  • All'hotel
  • Chiedere informazioni
  • Il meteo
  • Il reclamo telefonico
  • Parliamo d'affari

Cafetalk 的取消政策


• 「未開始」的課程包(1)隨時可以取消。取消後點數將全額退還。
若欲取消「進行中」的課程包(2),將退還剩餘課程的 50% 點數。
(1) 「未開始」係指課程包尚未經講師確定。
(2) 「進行中」係指課程包中已有一堂課程經確定。(當講師確定第一堂課程預約後,系統將自動發送課程包剩餘課程的優惠券供之後預約使用。)


• 若欲取消單堂課程包課程而非整個課程包,請至該課程預約詳細頁面取消。取消費依講師的一般課程取消政策而定,但「收取 50% 課程費用為取消費」將不適用。課程包優惠券僅可能返還或抵用。


  • 隨時可以取消。


  • 課程時間前 24 小時以上→ 隨時可以取消。
  • 課程時間前 24 小時內 → 講師將可能收取消費。
  • 缺席→ 講師將可能收取消費。


Stefi P.


週一 17:00 週二 04:00
週二 17:00 週三 04:00
週三 17:00 週四 04:00
週四 17:00 週五 04:00
週五 17:00 週六 04:00
※ 以上為 Asia/Tokyo 時間。
Read, Listen & Repeat
0 分鐘
1,500 點
2 堂課程包

Stefi P.
