This lesson is aimed at training individuals to improve their interpersonal communication skills so that they can function more effectively at the workplace.
This lesson pack has been customised for the student and is aimed at training individuals to improve interpersonal communication as well as business communication at the workplace
This lesson is customized to help you complete any kind of English assignment for Elementary, Junior High, High School, University, and ESL material.
We can speak English about whatever you want! Let's have a brief conversation!
Let's talk about anything you want to.
Are you looking for a tutor? How can I help you with English learning goals?
Learn practical English! *customisable lesson*
This is an English course that starts right at the beginning, perfect for anyone from middle school students to adults who want a refresher course. Once you understand the parts of speech, everything will fall into place!
55 minutes of targeted learning with techniques and practice + feedback!
Uncover the power of words around the world as we explore news articles, expanding your English skills one headline at a time. Camera OFF is OK! LESSON PACK!
Reading an article and discussing what we have read.
「マーフィーのケンブリッジ英文法 初級編」を使って文法の基礎を学びます!
こちらは、英語の発音矯正(アメリカ英語)45分 の5レッスンパックです!平日受講のレッスン(通常レッスン可能時間帯日本時間火〜金5:15pm開始分まで)限定です。土日祝日や5時半以降の夜の時間帯・枠外の受講には単発レッスンをご利用ください。パックレッスンは有効期限等にご注意いただき、計画的にご利用ください。初回は単発レッスンをお勧めします(^_−)−☆
得点力UPを目指す技能に集中したレッスン。苦手を克服して合格を目指そう! ※ライティングの添削や2次対策も可能です。
Learn English in a systematic and organised way. We will look at grammar to give you the confidence to become fluent!
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
C Milos
sayaka HK
Lan Do
一之助 (Ichinosuke)
jjin Park
Paula Veronesi