Let's have a chat on casual topics! Good for any level! Good for maintaining and brushing up on your English conversations skills! NEW** feedback will now be sent during the teachers daily break time **
話す力を飛躍的に伸ばす DRTA method encourages students to be active and thoughtful readers. Intermediate to Advanced. Directed Reading and Thinking Activities.短い物語を読んで その後のストーリーを予測して英語で話す .
This is the discounted lesson pack for a novel from the book club list. For the Intermediate /Advanced English learner. Do you like mystery, classics, fantasy stories? Let`s practise your English reading skill, learn new words with a book from my book
Job or Educational Interview
A 30 minute English grammar course for busy people! This is the short version of my “English Grammar” class. I will show you how wonderful and fun English grammar can be!(*^_^*)
We can speak English about whatever you want! Let's have a brief conversation!
Choose your favorite 30min lesson and save!
Choose any of my 50min lessons and save!
1レッスンで英単熟語テスト、逐次和訳、Q and A 、二次試験で役立つtipsをやってしまう欲張りレッスン!(文単のみ・パス単のみ でも対応可)
Need help with homework or maybe you are having difficulty with English at school. I can help!
90日間で10回のレッスンパックです。 短い時間を有効に使って長く続けるモチベーションキープのためのパックです。なるべく「英文法のそこのところ」を受講してからお願いします。
英検準1級の1次試験を合格し、2次試験への挑戦権を手にしたあなた! 2次試験を合格すれば、この級はあなたのものです。せっかく合格した1次試験。2次も必ず合格してこの級を手に入れましょう!
Watch a youtube video before class and talk about it in class!
English Conversation Lesson
Get 5 lessons for the price of 4! Get one lesson free! (Normally: 1800 points x 5 = 9000) Get the Discount Value Pack for 7200 points = 1440 pts per lesson! Great value!
30 Minutes of natural conversation where you or I can choose any topic and chat about it in as much depth as you want.
Practise speaking English on a topic of your choice. Let's work together to improve your English fluency, vocab and grammar.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Hikari Spiritual
Phillip Knott
Taka. M
Sana_career coach
Lisa D.