In this lesson, we look at two famous English poems by William Blake, who lived from 1757 to 1827.
Perfect for people wanting to have a brief conversation in English, any subject or topic you like. Great for people who don't want to forget the English they already know.
Let's learn together!
☆☆☆Let's read the news and general interest articles together in German!☆☆☆
Let’s learn Chinese gradually while having fun.
☆☆☆Practice your conversation skills with a German native!☆☆☆
Are you on a busy schedule? Even talking a little bit every day helps. This is a short 15 minute lesson!
Request 4 lessons at a discounted rate
Need help with homework or maybe you are having difficulty with English at school. I can help!
25 minuti di conversazione
English Conversation Lesson
To breakdown current events of our world through diverse perspectives.
『過去問』 を使って 1次試験・2次面接スピーキング・ライティング問題・ 長文読解力 ・ 英文法 など英検全般を指導歴20数年の講師がしっかりサポート、同時に問題の解き方の "コツ" もお伝えします。点数アップで合格を目指せるよう一緒に頑張りましょう!
完全オフラインで好きな時間にコツコツと♪ ライティングを習慣化♪ 「何を書いたらよいかわからない!」「書いた文を直して欲しい!」「英文を書く習慣づけをしたい!」「自然な言い回しが知りたい!」...という方、おすすめです♪♪ ※定員に達し次第一時的に募集を停止します。
An easy and fun way to learn simple and guided English conversations plus a great way to start reading through phonics! Recommended for kids and young learners!
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Gordon Shawn Woosley
Satomi Piano
Je suis David
C Milos
Lan Do
Steve Hill