90日間で10回のレッスンパックです。 短い時間を有効に使って長く続けるモチベーションキープのためのパックです。なるべく「英文法のそこのところ」を受講してからお願いします。
English speaking First Step. Suitable to 6~9 years old and any beginners
We will cover a variety of exercises that will range from discussions in English, reading passages or articles , picture descriptions , grammar exercises and so on.
Get rid of cold feet and butterflies in the tummy over your forthcoming interview. Simply go through the process in a practice session held in a stress-free environment.
English native用です。
No preparation! No review! Just want to chat!
In these lessons you will discuss a random topic with a native English speaker. These lessons focus on reading, speaking and writing
*レッスンパック* 初心者・シニア歓迎♡ 途中から始める方、復習や、再挑戦組も大歓迎!お好きな課からどうぞ~!(レッスンは日本語で行います)
This is the discounted lesson pack for a novel from the book club list. For the Intermediate /Advanced English learner. Do you like mystery, classics, fantasy stories? Let`s practise your English reading skill, learn new words with a book from my book
This is an English course that starts right at the beginning, perfect for anyone from middle school students to adults who want a refresher course. Once you understand the parts of speech, everything will fall into place!
ある程度喋れるようになったら次はネイティヴとディスカッション。TOEIC スピーキングテスト対策 ( 音読 写真描写 ) も組み込んでいます。
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Zach McLaughlin
Nicholas W.
Kei Schönberg
Pilar Barrera
Ryoko koko