What kind of sound does a piano make? Have your child experience all the different sounds that the black and white keys bring to life. Great for kids who are just starting out (^^) Great for kids who want to get even better (^^)
¿Tienes una agenda ocupada? Te ayudará si aun hablas sólo un poquito cada día. Esta es una breve lección de 15 minutos.
I can tutor children 5 - 16 in English
Adults only - Lecture, conversations, maîtrise de la grammaire, culture et plaisir !
Improve your grammar so you can communicate more fluently and handle test questions more efficiently.
Native Russian Teacher
¡Practica tu inglés hablado, mejora tu dominio del idioma y aumenta tu vocabulario!
大事なのは分かっているけど、地道な努力がなかなか続かない単語の勉強。このレッスンでは、定評のある『韓国語能力試験 TOPIK 5・6級 高級単語800』を使用して、試験合格はもちろん、あなたの韓国語表現力、聞き取り能力の基礎力を底上げする、重要単語800をマスターするのをサポートします。
With vocabulary and grammar tips!
Preparación de Exámenes
This lesson is for like N1, N2 advanced speaker. My former job was international flight attendant, I had been flying all over the world, that’s why I’m really love to find hot spot and popular restaurant, and also love to see and hear the news coming
あなたのご要望に合わせたオリジナル レッスンを4回ご受講いただけるお得なパックです♪ ※必ず詳細をご確認くださいませ。
Boost your vocabulary and hasten your speaking skills with this lesson.
한국어로 말할 기회가 부족해서 고민이라면! 소소한 일상부터 최근에 본 드라마나 책에 대한 이야기까지, 어떤 주제든 자유롭게 이야기 나눠 봅시다.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer) →
Lizzie H
Kathryn K
Tutor Niki
Marine Ikehata
miki Y