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Prova ad ordinare una lezione che ti piacerebbe seguire!
Numero di lezioni ordinate: 4,023

Vorrei imparare English .


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Piacevole,Simpatico,Gentile,Socievole,Cortese,Flessibile,Spiegazione in giapponese

Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • 相談して日程調整

Vorrei imparare Japanese .

I would like to learn using the book Minna No Nihongo 1 and 2 and mainly practicing speaking in Japanese.
I know structures in Japanese since I've been studying with a teacher that uses another book, but I would like to try Minna No Nihongo because I've seen a lot of good reviews about this book.

Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Principianti,Piacevole,Simpatico,Ricco di materiale didattico,Gentile,Socievole,Spiegazione in inglese

Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 06:00 ~ 12:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)
  • Weekends: 06:00 ~ 12:00 (America/Sao_Paulo)

Suggerimento: 31

Vorrei imparare English .


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Professionale,Simpatico,Per studiosi,Gentile,Disponibile,Socievole,Cortese,Pieno di passione,Flessibile

About the student


Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 06:00 ~ 12:00 (Asia/Manila)

Suggerimento: 30

Vorrei imparare English .

Hello!I'm a student at Cafetalk. I'd like to read one of the books with you. I'd like to read one of the stories little by little, so maybe it takes about a year or could be longer. I hope that you will enjoy reading one of them below with me. If the tuition is too expensive, I will read it by myself.

★HEART OF A SAMURAI (written by Margi Preus)
→The main character is the 1st Japanese whose name is Manjiro Nakahama who went to America. The story is for kids from 9 to 12 years old, but adults can also enjoy reading it. I have already bought this book.
★Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood (written by Trevor Noah)
→The main character is a famous comedian from South Africa who moved to America. He is very famous! I haven't bought this book yet, but I know that the sentence structures are not too complicated.

※I have to pay extra 15% of the cost of the books for you as far as I know. One of my English instructors charge students 1500yen for one book. If you have any other ideas, please let me know.

Both stories contain racial discrimination, so if you don't want to read about racial discrimination, please don't contact me. I am planning to finish reading this book within one year or so. If you might quit working at Cafetalk, I don't recommend to send your message.


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor


About the student

Nonbinary,Sono un po’ perfezionista,Il carattere del tutor è molto importante,Voglio studiare con i miei ritmi,Non posso capire se non mi è spiegato tutto sotto un aspetto logico.

Suggerimento: 48

Vorrei imparare English .

Looking for a tutor who is able to proofread the academic paper in history.

Tutor should be qualified above M.A. degree.
My field is Korean history, so I would like you to have a deep understanding in history or Asian studies or anthropology.
I am interested in nationalism, new religion movements, historical disputes or controversy.

I prefer a tutor who has a academic background in the US.

If you think you are a right person, please feel free to contact me, then I will give you more detailed information for the job.

Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor


Vorrei imparare Korean .






Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Principianti,Professionale,Per studiosi,Ricco di materiale didattico,Argomenti vari e profondi,Gentile,Disponibile,Cortese,Pieno di passione,Flessibile,Spiegazione in giapponese

About the student

Femmina,Nonbinary,La pronuncia è importante,Sono un po’ perfezionista,Il carattere del tutor è molto importante,Ho chiari obiettivi,Voglio studiare con i miei ritmi,Non posso capire se non mi è spiegato tutto sotto un aspetto logico.

Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 12:00 ~ 18:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

Vorrei imparare English .


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Piacevole,Simpatico,Gentile,Socievole,Cortese,Flessibile,Spiegazione in giapponese

Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 12:00 ~ 18:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • 夕方17:00〜18:30/朝5:30〜6:00 事前に調整出来ればその時間で

Vorrei imparare English .



Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Medio : avanzato,Piacevole,Per studiosi,Ricco di materiale didattico,Disponibile

About the student

Femmina,Le lezioni devono essere divertenti!,Penso che lo studio concentrato in brevi periodi sia quello che dia più risultati.

Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 06:00 ~ 12:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • 週末は午後、夜も可能

Vorrei imparare Portuguese .


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Principianti,Spiegazione in giapponese,Spiegazione in inglese

Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

Vorrei imparare German .

Ich möchte meine Sprechfähigkeiten verbessern.(B1)
Meine Muttersprache ist Chinesisch, aber ich kann auch Englisch und Japanisch sprechen.

Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Medio : avanzato,Per studiosi,Argomenti vari e profondi,Socievole,Pieno di passione,Spiegazione in inglese

About the student

Femmina,Nonbinary,La pronuncia è importante,Il carattere del tutor è molto importante,Ho chiari obiettivi,Riuscire a capirsi è più importante di soffermarsi sui dettagli.

Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Taipei)
  • Weekends: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Taipei)

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