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Prova ad ordinare una lezione che ti piacerebbe seguire!
Numero di lezioni ordinate: 3,908

Vorrei imparare English .

Lesson Budget:

500 ~ 5,000 Gestione punti

Desired Lesson Duration:

25 ~ 50 minutes

Hello teachers,
I am working as a tourist information staff, and I have some occasions that talk with visitors from overseas about good places to sightsee or route to where they want to go in English.I would like to be taught about good English explanations for them.
And also want to improve my English more, I take too much time to come up with English words because I have learned another foreign language for long time. I want to come up with correct phrases more speedy and speak English more fluently.

Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Principianti,Medio : avanzato,Professionale,Socievole,Flessibile

About the student

Femmina,Lavoratore,University Student,La pronuncia è importante,Ho chiari obiettivi

Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

Suggerimento: 70

Vorrei imparare Vietnamese .

Lesson Budget:

300 ~ 1,500 Gestione punti

Desired Lesson Duration:

15 ~ 40 minutes


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Principianti,Piacevole,Simpatico,Argomenti vari e profondi,Buono per bambini,Socievole,Flessibile,Spiegazione in giapponese

Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekends: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

Suggerimento: 1

Vorrei imparare Writing & Naming .

Lesson Budget:

2,000 ~ 3,000 Gestione punti

Desired Lesson Duration:

25 ~ 35 minutes


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Medio : avanzato,Cortese

About the student


Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

Suggerimento: 4

Vorrei imparare Japanese .

Lesson Budget:

2,000 ~ 3,500 Gestione punti

Desired Lesson Duration:

25 ~ 50 minutes

Hi friend! Many years ago I lived in Japan for two years (although my Japanese language ability is still terrible!). I need help translating two and a half pages of English into Japanese. I am sending packages of teaching supplies and presents to two of my Japanese Teacher friends, and want to write in both English and Japanese. On Sunday I will be going away for two weeks, so I wanted to get the translation done to send the mail to Japan before then, if possible. I will try and attach the files I need translated here, so you can have a look. My only requirement is that you are able to translate English into Japanese very well. Looking forward to hearing from you, and thanks for your help!

Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Cortese,Spiegazione in giapponese

Vorrei imparare Japanese .

Lesson Budget:

1,000 ~ 10,000 Gestione punti

Desired Lesson Duration:

25 ~ 70 minutes


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Professionale,Piacevole,Ricco di materiale didattico,Argomenti vari e profondi,Buono per bambini,Socievole,Cortese,Pieno di passione,Flessibile,Spiegazione in giapponese,Spiegazione in inglese

About the student

Femmina,Studente scuola elementare,Sono un po’ perfezionista,Il carattere del tutor è molto importante,Riuscire a capirsi è più importante di soffermarsi sui dettagli.

Vorrei imparare Violin .

Lesson Budget:

1,200 ~ 2,400 Gestione punti

Desired Lesson Duration:

25 ~ 30 minutes

英国トリニティカレッジのグレード2まで合格している11歳の娘のバイオリンレッスンを探しています。 イギリス在住で、今まで小学校でバイオリンを習っていたので、レッスンは日本語でよいのですが、音符の読み方だけドレミではなくCDEの英語読みでお願いしたいです。ABSRMとシラバスがほぼ同じなので普段ABSRMだけを教えている先生やグレード試験を普段教えていなくても音大を卒業された先生でもいいです。

Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Medio : avanzato

About the student

Femmina,Studente scuola media

Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 12:00 ~ 18:00 (Europe/London)
  • Weekends: 06:00 ~ 12:00 (Europe/London)

Vorrei imparare English .

Lesson Budget:

100 ~ 2,000 Gestione punti

Desired Lesson Duration:

15 ~ 45 minutes


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Medio : avanzato,Argomenti vari e profondi,Cortese

About the student

Femmina,Casalingo/a,Voglio studiare con i miei ritmi

Suggerimento: 57

Vorrei imparare English .

Lesson Budget:

0 ~ 10,000 Gestione punti

Desired Lesson Duration:

30 ~ 90 minutes


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Principianti,Cortese,Flessibile,Spiegazione in giapponese

About the student


Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 12:00 ~ 18:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

Suggerimento: 36

Vorrei imparare Japanese .

Lesson Budget:

0 ~ 2,500 Gestione punti

Desired Lesson Duration:

25 ~ 90 minutes

My level is something around N5 and N4. I live in Japan for more than a year and a half, so I can understand japanese more than speak. I would like to take regular lessons once or twice a week. I really need a teacher with structured lesson plans that can guide me well to learn. Structured and guided lesson plans is my main request. I had online classes with a japanese school before, but to be honest Im not satisfied with the classes so far.
I appreciate if you can use textbook (I have Nihongi Challenge and Minna no Nihongo, but if you prefer another I can buy), and mix it with your own materials. My main focus is to be able to speak, but I wanna work on all qualities, including learning kanji.
I wanna keep it regular if I like the classes, because if I stop I know I can miss my motivation. If I can take a trial lesson to decide, I would appreciate.
Thank you!

Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Principianti,Medio : avanzato,Professionale,Per studiosi,Ricco di materiale didattico,Gentile,Disponibile

Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 06:00 ~ 12:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekdays during early morning are also ok

Suggerimento: 24

Vorrei imparare Japanese .

Lesson Budget:

0 ~ 2,500 Gestione punti

Desired Lesson Duration:

25 ~ 90 minutes

My level is something around N5 and N4. I live in Japan for more than a year and a half, so I can understand japanese more than speak. I would like to take regular lessons once or twice a week. I really need a teacher with structured lesson plans that can guide me well to learn. Structured and guided lesson plans is my main request. I had online classes with a japanese school before, but to be honest Im not satisfied with the classes so far.
I appreciate if you can use textbook (I have Nihongi Challenge and Minna no Nihongo, but if you prefer another I can buy), and mix it with your own materials. My main focus is to be able to speak, but I wanna work on all qualities, including learning kanji.
I wanna keep it regular if I like the classes, because if I stop I know I can miss my motivation. If I can take a trial lesson to decide, I would appreciate.
Thank you!

Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Principianti,Medio : avanzato,Professionale,Per studiosi,Ricco di materiale didattico,Gentile,Disponibile

Orario di lezione desiderato

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 06:00 ~ 12:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekdays during early mornings are also ok

Suggerimento: 2

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