David 講師的通知

You have a new coupon! - Greetings from Colorado!!!


Coupon Name: Greetings from Colorado!!!
Code: 16cb4c3c
Discount Rate: 5%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Aug 30, 2019 ~ Sep 4, 2019
URL: http://cafetalk.com/coupons/detail/?id=1249903&lang=en
(GMT-06:00 DST Denver)
Coupon Name: Proofreading / Corrections *DISCOUNT* (Greetings from the USA)
Code: 1d10ee46
Discount Rate: 5%
For Lesson: Proofreading / Corrections / Native Check - Essay writing / Personal Statement etc - Up to 1000 words
Effective for lessons conducted between: Aug 29, 2019 ~ Sep 4, 2019
URL: http://cafetalk.com/coupons/detail/?id=1248303&lang=en
(GMT-06:00 DST Denver)
