Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
Desde especialistas en educación de idiomas a empresarios , antiguos actores, pintores e incluso profesores japoneses residentes en el extranjero - lee lo que este diverso grupo de profesionales en Cafetalk tiene que decir.
Dana S Tutor Interview
Hi! I’m Dana, from Spain. I’m 25 and currently a postgraduate student. I studied Linguistics and Literature and I’m now specializing in Translation. So, as you can see, I have a big interest in languages; the complexity and perfection of the internal structure of all languages amazes me, but also how each language seems to carry the soul of its culture.Featured Lessons
60min 1,800
90min 2,500
60min 1,800
Andy B Tutor Interview
After I graduated from college, I spent a year writing and recording music, as well as performing music live with a band. After that, I spent a year living at a Yoga retreat center in the mountains of Northern California. From there I went to India, where I backpacked around the country and ended up supporting myself by teaching English and acting in a Bollywood TV show. I lived in hotels, ashrams, dharamsalas, tents, huts, hostels, you name it! It was a great adventure.Featured Lessons
15min 500
60min 4,000
30min 1,500
Nico Tutor Interview
Never be afraid of making mistakes! Making mistakes is the best way to learn. If we get something wrong one time and are corrected we are far less likely to get it wrong again! Also, ask lots of questions! If you don’t understand something, even a little, don’t be afraid to ask! I’m sure that not just me, but all of the tutors on Cafetalk are more than happy to help you in any way we can!Featured Lessons
20min 700
15min 600
50min 2,000
Tina Tutor Interview
I’m interested in people’s stories, everyone has something special to tell. I lived in so many places and met so many interesting, funny, incredibly kind people …you know, it’s all about people!Featured Lessons
30min 2,000
50min 3,900
50min 3,900
Sandra Tutor Interview
It is said that children learn languages easily from their environment, because they are in an environment where language can happen and then learning a language happens. So my advice is to speak as much as possible and be surrounded by the language you want to learn every day (listening to the radio, podcasts, watching TV, and listen to music, or even things like setting your iphone into another language).Featured Lessons
25min 1,100
30min 1,200
Dany de France Tutor Interview
My name is Daniel, I am 41. I was born in Grasse, the world capital of perfumes Grasse is located in the department of Alpes-Maritimes around 20 km from Cannes and 30 km from Nice. I studied business. I worked in several shops as a salesman and then as Manager in Grasse, Paris (1996-1997) and after in Nice where I lived from 1997 to 2005. Then I returned to Paris from 2005 to 2012 I worked in a hotel in the quarter of Montmartre.Featured Lessons
30min 1,500
60min 3,000
90min 4,000
韓国語教室を運営する傍ら、カフェトークでも韓国語を教えるtaehwan講師のインタビューページです。講師歴は7年目で、息子をバイリンガルに育てた経験も。レッスンの特徴や独学の落とし穴などについて聞きました!Featured Lessons
30min 800
40min 6,800
0min 2,000
Zia Tutor Interview
It’s important to keep going even if you make mistakes and use what language skills you have. It’s better to have had a conversation at all than stay quiet because of a fear of making mistakes. Conversation lessons with a native speaking teacher can also really help your English:-)Featured Lessons
25min 1,300
40min 6,900
Sailor Tutor Interview
I love to explore all around Tokyo. I don’t have a favorite place in particular, but I am very fond of a lot of “shitamachi” areas. They have such a uniquely local Japanese charm and offer a lot of great photo opportunities. I love the difference between all these small town ares within Japan. I think having lived in Katsushika-ku for many years may have helped me form this opinion. When I was younger and new to Tokyo, of course I loved Shinjuku, Shibuya and Harajuku and all the usual “happening” places. But time has proven me to be a shitamachi girl.Featured Lessons
15min 1,000
25min 1,500
50min 2,500
みなさん、こんにちは^^nonhaghiは本名の一部を取って、ひっくり返したもので「のんはぎ」と読みます。私は幼少期をブラジルで過ごしており、ポルトガル語では“gi”と書くと「じ」と読まれてしまうので、正しく読んでもらう為に“ghi”と表記していました。それを、今でもカッコつけて使っています(笑)Featured Lessons
30min 0
30min 800
60min 1,300